Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lamborghini Calgary Rental

Prague / Praha, however, captivated me:) Good

Since yesterday I am now in Warsaw. Ahh those 3 days in the Czech Republic were really crazy. It still admire that in just 72 hours I managed to do many things. Mention the fact that I arrived injured. Right foot hurts me terribly and I can not walk, but it really was worth it. From the very beginning it was wonderful \u0026lt;3

begin from Tuesday.
After 8 hours in the bus line "Eurolines" I got to the Czech capital - Prague. I was a little tired but very happy that I came back to my beloved country. The journey itself went very peacefully, the bus was full, so I could easily lie down and a little nap. I listened all the way Michael and I felt great. We blew it up at one of Prague's bus stations tz: UAN Florenc. In contrast to the Polish train is very clean and modern, nicely until you sit on it. It is a pity that I did not do photos, but somehow it did not fell into. Catch up next time :))).
I believe that Poland should take an example from the Czechs, they always know how to manage money. Consider for example, roads or buildings for public use (libraries, theaters, cinemas, etc.) all the outstanding stock. From the station I went to Metro ... is probably the only thing that will somehow "our" republic not too I like it. Comparing with the Warsaw metro, Prague is a dirty, intricate and old, but that can be used to. I got to the line B and I went on Ovenecka, where he made an appointment with my great friend Petra. First, the Mc Donalds zajrzałyśmy for coffee. The coffee was a necessity for me as I was a little die: D ... Wondering what we do with the disposal of a few hours realized that it could go for a walk to see the most interesting places in Prague. Turning down the street Vodičkovou wstąpiłyśmy still fantastic bageterii, where he ate great cheese sandwiches :))). I have not eaten such a good sandwich.

Prague old town never before I am not delighted, nay the whole Prague somehow appealed to me. But this time something strange happened. I just do not know how it can, but I began to discover in this city, it all started to me awfully like it. She woke up in me a fascination quite large, even castles, and monuments, which always I associated with the hated Warsaw took different picture. Probably true to say that sooner or later fall in love with wPradze. Yes, yes, I do not want to say this, but these are facts. I fell in love and is probably very much. Beautiful, intricate streets ahhh I miss them terribly and I will do everything so that as soon as possible to go back there again. Once again, the industry, the option of studying a dream journalism in Prague, yet I have all year:).
mistakenly juxtapose Prague and Warsaw are two completely different city ... a trip to Prague history, detachment from the realities of the 21st century. Sure, just because so many people does it come in different countries .. Spaniards, Germans, Poles, Portuguese, etc., etc.

Petra We decided that we will go to the movies yet . Petra is kinomaniaczką, loves to watch movies and have a lot of knowledge on the subject. Do not protested, my condition was the only one that we have to go to Czech film. Przejrzałyśmy repertoire, but played in the afternoon, there was only one Czech film: "Protector". Film awfully strange, and I must admit that I massacred, and a little disoriented. Terribly I liked the music. There was a rhythm, sometimes it was fun, but the whole plot was pretty heavy and tragic. She told stories of a man radio host, who was hiding his Jewish wife - actress during the German occupation, also had to lie repeatedly, and the word to betray his country. At the end, however, changes and begins to appreciate Czechoslovakia and jam her arms. One word story, but just learned some new words.
At the end of the projection we went by subway already in Cerny Most, where the bus was leaving "The student agency" to Liberec. Woow yellow bus "Student agency" is a wonderful thing, yet never traveled such ekskluziwem. Not only does the ticket cost me only 65 of the Civil Code is in addition, The guide we had. During the journey, which lasted just an hour and five minutes, passengers are offered hot drinks (we had a choice: coffee, tea, fruit tea, or hot chocolate), newspapers (to choose the 15 most popular Czech journals, including every sphere, from politics to music to sports) and headphones that allow live music (to choose from Czech, foreign, classic). At six screens flashed the movie ... hehe, and I liked it.

About Liberec tomorrow :)))).

Mejta Hezky se, dobrou night



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