Sunday, October 11, 2009

Not Happy About Offer Letter

České diskotéky are bad: D / Harrachov Ceske Republiky

Ahoy hah.
The hill quickly went to the center of it pivko with Lukas ... it was great, but it was getting pretty late and plans had yet imprezka: P, I said goodbye to so I went to Harcov. Sup sup there hastily dressed up, in the meantime Borek wrote me another text message confirming that the stabbing or go to s-club, dressed and left his jacket. It's great that I was so close - just 5 minutes, this time straight road :))). haha \u200b\u200bI like s-club, I'm from this place almost the same nice memories. Three weeks of daily evenings during the World Cup did their job and permanently engraved in my memory. Hmm it's really a very pleasant place. If someone does not know S-Club are the three areas. In one example, you can enjoy great pizza, drink piva, or watch the broadcast of a match.

The second is a small but very cozy Discoteka, while the third is double track Bowling. To be clear, is not parked at the event with the jumpers, after a whole day looking at them, I was already probably a bit fed up. Initially arranged to a number of people with Railways (been there so many times that I have quite a large group of friends) to pivo and zelenou. Posiedzieliśmy, we talked and it was really very nice :)))). I met some fantastic new people, and everyone moved to "Zanzibar" ehh actually love this place, it looks like the inconspicuous, but that is where the best parties are held throughout the Liberec. Grana is almost the same Czech music, because I feel there simply sensational. Unfortunately
Czech jumpers also moved there, ahh in general did not mention the Czechs who came to flow around its "huge" success of P. There was a whole group of what I call dedicated to Cuba Jiroutka: D ie: Antonín Hájek, Jakub Janda, Borek Sedlak, Martin Cikl Honza earlier was still with his girlfriend, but they do not like disco spendami is traditionally called bored quickly went to the house . Hmm I have not mentioned Radek haha \u200b\u200byes, yes he was there too: P. In Zanziku first person that I fell into a jubilant Martin Cikl let that some things can not comment: D No coment! : P. However, it Sajkl Sajkl but what it made me put down Jandys just destroyed. Heh no reason to expect 'Jsem pes! But nekousám "- hahaha ... this whole situation has created, and so on my face even greater uradowanej smile. I have for him and for myself also a great message - Do not drink alcohol do not drink: D. In addition, I talked as intelligently with Cuba Jiroutkiem (who later began to sing out loud, "Anne, Anne, Anne ILY" not to Radek !!!), and of course, Borek (I love this guy). No no no to Jandysem konwersowałam but also about the above: P. After these intelligent dialogues I felt that I've had enough. On the f-co jsem se vrátila wheel pools třetí ... sprcha a postel looool. Mela jsem 3 piva, 2x and 3x zelenou vodku s Red Bull ... I drank a little but for that to happen unless really tired and I did not feel the best, and yet I am waiting for a trip to Jablonec - Harrachov - Szklarska Poreba, no, and Warsaw. Hehe Czech
events are bad: P, relatively cheap alcohol, lively music and friendly students lool this should be firmly prohibited Ančíkovi D. Both

Championships Czech as well as on all other occupations, for which I was very in this season I missed Frantisek Vaculik ... as it turned out during my conversation with the guys Borou also missing. The reason for the absence of the MC was Fanny kids at the camp, which had to be.

And so ended my stay in Liberec, it was really fantastic just a pity it's so short ... (these three days have passed too quickly) once again thank you all :)))) ...

to Harrachov I arrived at about 16.30. After a short walk (unfortunately no longer come into play, because it would not let me so sore foot) jumped on the dinner to the best restaurants in town, "U studny. I ordered smažený sýr s hranolkama and tatarkou (yum) to the pivo (Budweiser) from the sprite - (Shandy) ahh delicacies, so much to me that is missing in Poland.

from Harrachov as Liberec and have only the good memories, MD, squirrels, popijawki etc., etc. This is undoubtedly one of the my favorite places in the Czech Republic, and whenever I can fall for a while there, but simply using it.

At 19:30 came after my bus, which took me longer to Szklarska Poreba. I conclude that the shorter my stay in the Czech Republic, the greater the so-called depression popowrotowa. It is difficult to place so much that she loves to ride in a place with which you are very much in common. In fact, more and more departing from Polish. Everything in this sad country overwhelms me.
Today, however, enough.

Dobrou night


"Never Can Say Goodbye "!!!!!


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