Friday, October 30, 2009

Bleeding Gums From Stds

"This is the moment", "This is the time", "THIS IS IT"

"This is the moment, this is the time, THIS IS IT " ~ M. Jackson

Hmmm about three days trying to gather to write a few words of wisdom about the film" Michael Jackson's - This is it "where I was. Extremely hard is to create a short summary, when the head got so many thoughts and opinions. Well, but I have to undertake. Let me start from the beginning of may. In fact, I think everybody knows that the film "This is it" represents the recorded fragments of the last trial of Michael Jackson that took place prior to the scheduled for 2009 and 2010 series of concerts from the tour with the same title. However, the formalities for the recall :))).
to Multikino I went with my friend Caroline, who like me, has long been a fan of Michael. I would add that a true fan, who knows both Michael as a person and his work in detail. I am writing this because after the "alleged" death of the king of pop appeared to be very many people (mostly young) fans calling themselves / je. For me, anchoring at all costs into something that is just at the moment on top and pretend that you have about the concept of excellence is simply pathetic. I know perfectly that the young people, shaping their personalities just sort of draw inspiration from such a great character like MJ, but temporary, obsessive love I can not logically explain. Returning
the topic together with Caroline in a surprisingly good mood zajęłyśmy previously reserved a slight tension and waited to start the session. Did not know quite what we expected, but we were not in this alone, none of the assembled people do not know. Of course, the hall was filled to the brim and we were sitting around poprzebierani strange people. Some had hats on their heads, others appeared in dark glasses, while others demonstrated their love of Mike wearing shirts with his image. I have not been supplied with the gadget but I have no to admit that at home I have a cool shirt and I'm really proud of it because I designed it all herself.
the beginning of the film on the big screen appeared the words "for fans" (I felt as though it specifically granted any of my humble self :)))) statement issued after the dancers, who had the honor to prepare for performances alongside Michael. It is obvious that filled their great joy. The most I was enchanted by one of the boys, who spoke about how important a role in his life, Michael has played just started to cry. It was so deep, and charming. With every minute it was getting interesting, we flew from the eyes of different images, from the dancers and chorus, Mr. Ortega to the same Michael.

I need to inform and warn you that everything I write below is only my opinion and do not want anyone to suggest it. Everyone has the right to have their own opinion and it may differ from mine.

Well, I will not beat about the bush that, as for me, but the real Michael Jackson, who presented simply fantastically, wonderfully sung, danced amazingly, he was funny, and had in his eyes that his great magic in the film we see two more doubles. Betrayed their first strange movements, too bold behavior as well as the big differences in external appearance, ie face, weight, height, length of hands or feet size.

For the record, the real Michael dancing to the song "They Do not Care About Us" on one of the last attempt (this section can also see in the film)

As a perceptive I was aware that the real MJ does not occur throughout the film from the moment when the Internet started to appear the first pictures and excerpts from the plan. At that time almost nobody believed me, believed me for a twisted person, I was told that I'm stupid. Now, however, the majority opinion completely changed. Huh how sometimes you can see I'm right :))))). I called you a double orange-red pants was probably the most amusing (in memory of deer stuck in my dance to the song "The Way You Make Me Feel" willy-nilly on the man's face appeared to smile), his movements just blew me ... to this very slim body probably even the biggest skeptics about the theory sobowtórach convinced that Michael is the man has little in common.

for comparison ... left double to the right while the real Michael, the differences evident ......

The apparent fake .. But it was only the beginning, then it was just better ... abandoned red shorts and put someone who has presented us with a comic dancing penguin with the song "Human Nature" .. just say that this song is strange and that Michael was always at the concerts performed her original choreography, consent, but something like this? What is not !!!!.
let us go forward with the song "I Just Can not Stop Loving You", of course, traditionally a duo - great ...., Just why the alleged MJ behaving so strangely? Can we ever Michael gasped the girl in any way for the breast and buttocks? Do you perform in relation to any woman's movements such ambiguous? Eeee I do not recall. Strange is it? In summary for me in the entire film is a real Michael, and this is without glasses in most scenes occurring in a blue shirt. If I remember correctly only exception being the song "Thriller" and "Earth Song" which is a fairly thick black jacket. Things, which is also worth noting is the scene: on the jack where you can see the great charm of Michael, a great dance to the song "They Do not Care About Us" (but only MJ without glasses), and moving performance of the song "I'll Be there ". Well
apropos word yet if anyone impersonators wanted to let them find the notes primarily on growth. Michael is a lot higher than Kenny Ortega, is double the growth of your director.
In the film, there are also two very important tips for those who believe that Michael Jackson is still alive and his death is a big hoax. From the very beginning (first 3 minutes) you can see a large mechanical character, on whose surface there are important paintings (min Elizabeth Taylor, children, beautiful world) and of the robot holds the ball in their hands and turned it around himself, as though it fun, at the end of the form of bursts and shows a scene in which stands double. In my opinion this should be read as follows: robot = Michael (valid for the images in the middle of the form), the ball = the world, rotate = fun, burst = bum = big come back, double = fake, a lie. Let 's get it all together you see: Michael Jackson, no doubt a great personality, great man, playing all over the world screwing all terribly but plans a comeback and the final play. This kind of breeze, which probably few who drew attention, but if anyone is wondering what in general was the introduction of a robot? But the film did not have a completely irrelevant for the tour ... definitely not. Interesting ... but the second stage is still a lot more intriguing. At the end of the strings, when people have already left the room there is yet another picture where impersonator standing next to Mr Ortega says very, very important word that everyone should open their eyes, you see:

"Stop the music. And Decision When I finish myself .... Maybe I come undone a button, snap one's fingers and boom-and when i decide come back myself. "

- shock?.
But the surprise this very much in the style of MJ 's all over and here the depth and the operative part of the whole movie.
a while yet before sentence is that the fans want to escape, then we give it to them. Do we have a theme?.
As for me, definitely yes. It is worth noting that the ending song is again well-known "Heal the World".

I'm terribly proud that for so long, I knew what was going on, "This is it" perfectly figured out all kinds of mysteries and symbols :))).
I reassured myself also in the belief that the best applications come from my own head. I do not believe anyone, I believe only myself. Carolina after the screening, said the same thing, so I guess I have no delusions :)))).
On Sunday I go to the theater alone again, this time to calmly look at once a few details. We'll see whether invent something new ....

So much :)))). Rudii thank you very much for the great company and helpful feedback:). Love You:).

"Hael the world"
"LOVE" \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3

I \u0026lt;3 You KING!!


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