Sunday, October 18, 2009

Were To Buy Diaze Pan Uk

irritable / / / Samsara.

finally got a coveted free days, there are as many as 3, as I turned into the Manager and also spend Monday doing nothing. I'm so tired that even my fingers refuse to obey. Ahh work in the afternoon is not fun, and never gives me pleasure. During those two months free from work, when I got up and went to sleep, about which I wanted. Completely oduczyłam the operation at fixed times by someone. Hurry nowhere, no one waited on me was not just me and your own schedule. Well, first of all I had nothing. Currently, I spend at work 7 or 8 hours, during which I am really missing above all music, like us some radio play, but after the first very quietly, on the other hand, unfortunately, does not find it in my tastes. Once a week can and let go of Michael Jackson, but I need his music non-stop. Normally, at times, i think the bears :(((, linked the ... I remember that I had once in your life going through such a huge fascination with Michael, in principle, there were two such phases, the first when I first knowingly came into contact with the work, and a former MJ the years 1995 to 1998. The second but it's a great back and the album "Invinicible" exactly 2001 years ... and now the same is true, I listen to these wonderful songs without a break, sleeping, waking up, riding the subway and tram, lying, eating, etc., etc. On pages lastfm, where he writes how many times to hear the songs of data currently appears questioned the number of 11 600 MJ songs :)))) lol except that even 150 songs and The Jackson 5 The Jackson dozen.

Next I read a book "Moonwalk," now I'm on page 170 (not counting the book has photos 288) also try to dispense the reading of it, because I do not want to go. It is very interesting and captivating. Mike's youthful years, is a topic that I was not well known ... but creative band The Jackson 5 did not know almost anything else. Now I have the opportunity to make up for shortcomings and do it with great pleasure. For now, I stopped at the stage of cooperation Mike'az Quincy Jones.
all highly recommended.
A few words about Michael, first of all the rest appeared on youtube video for the song "Come Together" dating from the movie "Moonwalker", in HD. This is one of the most hot videos MJ and I just love it.

Second looming large on the first day of the film shown in cinemas, "This is it" simply can not looking forward, left after only 10 days.
in various television programs in the U.S. (eg hours of Oprah) appear at a longer time fragments "This is it." Have appeared among other clips to the song "Human Nature", "Thay do not care about us" or "The Way You Make Me Feel." My opinion on this subject is quite controversial, because I think that the film not only see but Michael Jackson and his doppelganger and possibly even more. On what basis such a fortress? So after the first visible differences in appearance such as MJ from "Human Nature" and "The Way You Make Me Feel" and "They Do not Care About Us", on the other hand completely different (strange) ruchyn (eg penguin dance) and feeling muzyki (to główny argument mojego takiego a nie innego myślenia). No cóż, ale wstrzymam się z dogłębną analizą do 28.10 kiedy to obejrzę cały film. Mam nadzieję tylko, że patrząc na marną podróbkę nie wybuchnę śmiechem podczas projekcji :P.

Teraz a propos tytułu mojego posta powinnam wyjaśnić, czym jestem podirytowana, otóż czymś, na co nie mam w zasadzie większego wpływu, ale są ludzie, którzy mogą coś w tej kwestii zmienić tylko nie chcą. Interesują ich (za przeproszeniem) własne tyłeki and plugging their own pockets. I am thinking of the ruling Polish politicians. What in this country began to happen more than human understanding chasing affair scandal (first gambling, then the shipyard), and even that is probably not the end. Corruption for corruption and to suffer for this ordinary people, citizens, that needs to be yet, although the minimum quality of life. What prompted me to such a serious thought?, And so one day returning from work by subway to the train, which was boarded up old man. To my eye could have about 80-85 years old, shouldered a poorly kept looking harmonica in one hand while in the second plastic cup. Just collect the money ... for me it was so depressing and unpleasant sight that I could not resist, not to bend your head. How can this be, that in a country where politicians are leaving yourself a holiday for the taxpayers' money and organize banquets grandfather had such a derogatory manner in order to beg his grandfather, who probably own hands rebuilding this city?. I ask how can this be?? How??
As if all this were not enough there is the whole situation the second aspect. People traveling by subway naśmiewały of the poor man :(((. That's audacity, they were people of all ages from youth onwards, until the forties on one of about 60-year-old woman ending. Me most angry guy in a suit with a laptop in hand , was driving with his girlfriend is also very elegantly dressed, and considered themselves to be not known who actually rolling with laughter. Hmm, I united elite: / nieumiejąca to maintain ... wonderful showcase for the country ... just a pity ... you ask why I do not like this country? , you ask, why I want to get away, you ask, why all this is not identified? precisely because this is my answer.
not enough that the politicians are doing with us what they want, lying to us in the eyes, it's still alive, what people are Some people do not know how to behave, do not have an ounce of culture and respect ...
Not to mention even nabzdyczonych panienkach sitting like a big lady on buses and trams are not inferior places elderly people ... what they teach you in school, at home ???!!!!!.
I remember I was a little kid, which was repeated to me at school almost every day to help the elderly and the sick, to whenever the form of urban transport gets older person it should be free up space ... now that they do not teach? I do not want to believe.
Further problems, but they have probably surprised no one, hungry children and pervasive bureaucracy, everyone wants to be just for all the extra money. Nobody cares about the other person does not look at what happens further away from him ... he is interested in only the tip of his nose. There is no longer as beautiful as the characteristics of selflessness, probably forever extinct, and a great pity, because it is fantastic ...
Just tell me that is not only a Polish problem, that in every country it is, you are correct in every country there are problems in every country of bad people live in each country comes to scams, embezzlement, etc ... but I is not the point
... I mean first of all a certain behavior ... I have many friends and acquaintances around the world, I've been in many countries and never met with such impudence of such a selfish approach to life, with such a sham ...
It's terrible, but the conclusions true in Poland this is not good, and every year it is getting worse, unfortunately, I can see it in :(((. its close and distant surroundings. Perhaps it was because I chose a kind of alienation, social isolation ... I live my rhythm minimally engaging in the affairs of the country ... just a pity that so much money working loading the pockets of these fraudsters are not receiving in return nothing, because even on an ordinary visit to the GP have to wait more than a week, but that has nothing at all I can do.
good that with my mental condition in recent times is all right, I try to follow a designated route in early October, I have a purpose, I have a dream I found the meaning and above all of his life threw something to me for almost six years difficult. Complete cleaning cycle of change ... - Samsara.
Let nobody, nothing to disturb my peace. I am flying to read and listen to music.

Mejta se burst



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