Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Small White Circle On Gums

Liberec and České Republiky Mistroství juniorů - THIS IS IT!

Hmm, then I'm done, oh, so to LIBERCE arrived on Tuesday around 16.10 hours, quickly he got a ticket and boarded the tram. Fügnerce switched on bus No. 15 and it directly already got on the railways and TUL Harcov you like, hmm, ie we can say that directly because the bus was waiting for me again about 10 minutes uphill road. Unfortunately the hotel is located up the block F is also quite far away, zwarzywszy I had a very heavy bag he had to carry on my shoulder and I was a little tired of the way through torment hehehe, but I came and this is important. On-site show off how perfect her (haha), Czech and checked in pretty quickly :))). I was assigned a room 19B, is one of the largest rooms which made me very happy. If someone does not know the railways in Poland dormitory. However, much would have wanted to Polish dormitories look like this in LIBEREC ... I recall that during the World Cup athletes lived there, and everything has been refurbished and meets the criteria for the three-star hotel. Well I know all these blocks, rooms and surrounding area was the World Cup, after all, where I spent almost 3 weeks. After the primary ogarnięciu (shower, tea, etc.) yet I went to my beloved "Eska" (restaurant and Discoteka one) where I ordered the best under the sun cheese pizza \u0026lt;3, and beer. I recently tasted the "Gambrinus", may, therefore, that the "Budweiser" is already in Poland and the "Gambrinus" officially yet. I ate and went back to the room, I washed my head, I turned to Michael and I went to bed, I was on this trip and Prague so exhausted that I slept without a problem 12 hours.
On Wednesday I woke up around 7.00 am I did not have nowhere to hurry, because a series of trial MDGs juniors began only at 14.00, but I wanted to go more to the center and of the some shopping. LIBEREC changed nothing further is just a beautiful city, which was earlier. I just love it, just walking on the streets makes me so much joy and I'm so happy that it's hard for words to describe it. Undoubtedly, this is my place on earth and probably next year but that is where I choose to study.

walked a whole market of all my favorite stores: "Kenvelo", "Lifestyle Sports", "Alpina Pro" etc ... I bought a cool T-shirt "Nike" and I went to dinner. I chose a Chinese restaurant beautifully named "Panda" hahaha I last a little obsessed with the animals: D and all started in the Vistula: D. People-oriented know what's going on: D ...

This restaurant is located in the gallery Nákupní "Plaza." If anyone ever Liberec will encourage you to try there are nudle kuřecím masem., something wonderful.

Going even noticed a very large toy store, "Dráčik" I needed to buy some gifts for friends and thought that there surely find something interesting. Besides the whole bag dárků bought something for themselves. Haha walking in between the shelves I came across such a sizeable rubber hippo is so cute that I could not not buy it: P ... I decided that I'm going on for some time brought happiness and then get it from me, someone to whom I owe a lot and who is for me a very important person.

Smooth criminal: P

you already have everything I needed I went to the hills, before I received a proposal for a lift to the top, but not benefited from it, I found that good for me will do the walking tour, and contact with nature. Mute somehow always positively influenced me, I was just me, the music of Michael and clean way damaged in space - a revelation. After some 30 minutes I found myself on the hill, the young divers just beginning to warm up. At the beginning I met two individuals who made it on my face smile appeared. Speech by Milošu Kadlecu and Hubert Bláha, I just love them, are very nice and positive. In general, the MDGs is a fantastic competition for someone as much as I love the Czech team and that's because he has a chance to meet there, all Czech Norwegian jumpers and combiners, both the young and the elderly.

first competition, which took place that day on the hill were the struggles of girls. Supporter of my colleague Lucie Mikov. I held my fingers crossed for it all the more that it was her first jump after a serious injury, we enjoyed the World Cup is an object in Liberec. Unfortunately, her jumps were not sensational, but it is only the beginning and I am sure that soon it will be better. I believe in her because she has enormous potential and a good attitude to all this.
results are not significant, important, it could to pick up after such a serious injury, I know what I mean, because I had the same problem with his leg, what a difference it is that I've grown to the sport but it did not go back anyway. After the contest, talked himself. Never did see a little bit, so it was a lot of topics.

very happy to have met: Luck, Jirka Mazocha, David Ripper, Martin Plhala, Lukas Samohyla etc. ...

Jiri Mazoch - (photo specifically for crotch: P)

David Ripper - TJ Frenštát the Radhoštěm

Martin Plhal - Nové Mesto in Moravia

Lukáš Samohýl - LSK Lomnice over Popelkou

These people are so cool and such The positive as you can see a lot of fun making them jump, great to see in their eyes such a passion and love :))). Same games were over very quickly and I was little, as I followed them because I was running with the camera making photos :)))). I have a lot of pictures and I have to admit that they are quite nice.

During the break between sets I moved a long conversation with Hugo ... I will not conceal that I love him: P. It is a pity that he is so young (hehehe) undoubtedly has become my favorite jumper, and his smile is just unbelieveable. It reminded me of how the KP in Zakopane with Eve we did the photos he was so embarrassed hahah: D ahh remember those shares until the end of life.

Hubert Bláha - LSK Lomnice over Popelkou

After the competition, most young athletes gathered things and went home. Some, however, decided to compete in the seniors competition on a large object. At that time, to the area began to slide down all your friends .. led by head coach David Jiroutkiem: P, and the entire staff of A and B jumpers: D ...
A jury in addition to all a group of Czechs also several jumpers Polish team B, all basic representations of Kazakhstan, Russia and the B squad of Slovak athletes.
forget, it also ran (to my great surprise) Slovenian - Jernej Damjan.

The seniors, however, struggle in the next post.

Milos Kadlec & Honza Kozak - D

I must also mention that in principle all the time staying on the hill kinda makes my two young divers from the Moravě Město Nový - Miloš Kadlec and Honza Kozak oh with them was fun hahaha. These guys never smile never leaves ztwarzy ... a pink shirt Moso just destroy me: D ... In short it was fun: D ... thanks guys:)))

Tomorrow Mistroství seniorů České Republiky.



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