Friday, October 30, 2009

Bleeding Gums From Stds

"This is the moment", "This is the time", "THIS IS IT"

"This is the moment, this is the time, THIS IS IT " ~ M. Jackson

Hmmm about three days trying to gather to write a few words of wisdom about the film" Michael Jackson's - This is it "where I was. Extremely hard is to create a short summary, when the head got so many thoughts and opinions. Well, but I have to undertake. Let me start from the beginning of may. In fact, I think everybody knows that the film "This is it" represents the recorded fragments of the last trial of Michael Jackson that took place prior to the scheduled for 2009 and 2010 series of concerts from the tour with the same title. However, the formalities for the recall :))).
to Multikino I went with my friend Caroline, who like me, has long been a fan of Michael. I would add that a true fan, who knows both Michael as a person and his work in detail. I am writing this because after the "alleged" death of the king of pop appeared to be very many people (mostly young) fans calling themselves / je. For me, anchoring at all costs into something that is just at the moment on top and pretend that you have about the concept of excellence is simply pathetic. I know perfectly that the young people, shaping their personalities just sort of draw inspiration from such a great character like MJ, but temporary, obsessive love I can not logically explain. Returning
the topic together with Caroline in a surprisingly good mood zajęłyśmy previously reserved a slight tension and waited to start the session. Did not know quite what we expected, but we were not in this alone, none of the assembled people do not know. Of course, the hall was filled to the brim and we were sitting around poprzebierani strange people. Some had hats on their heads, others appeared in dark glasses, while others demonstrated their love of Mike wearing shirts with his image. I have not been supplied with the gadget but I have no to admit that at home I have a cool shirt and I'm really proud of it because I designed it all herself.
the beginning of the film on the big screen appeared the words "for fans" (I felt as though it specifically granted any of my humble self :)))) statement issued after the dancers, who had the honor to prepare for performances alongside Michael. It is obvious that filled their great joy. The most I was enchanted by one of the boys, who spoke about how important a role in his life, Michael has played just started to cry. It was so deep, and charming. With every minute it was getting interesting, we flew from the eyes of different images, from the dancers and chorus, Mr. Ortega to the same Michael.

I need to inform and warn you that everything I write below is only my opinion and do not want anyone to suggest it. Everyone has the right to have their own opinion and it may differ from mine.

Well, I will not beat about the bush that, as for me, but the real Michael Jackson, who presented simply fantastically, wonderfully sung, danced amazingly, he was funny, and had in his eyes that his great magic in the film we see two more doubles. Betrayed their first strange movements, too bold behavior as well as the big differences in external appearance, ie face, weight, height, length of hands or feet size.

For the record, the real Michael dancing to the song "They Do not Care About Us" on one of the last attempt (this section can also see in the film)

As a perceptive I was aware that the real MJ does not occur throughout the film from the moment when the Internet started to appear the first pictures and excerpts from the plan. At that time almost nobody believed me, believed me for a twisted person, I was told that I'm stupid. Now, however, the majority opinion completely changed. Huh how sometimes you can see I'm right :))))). I called you a double orange-red pants was probably the most amusing (in memory of deer stuck in my dance to the song "The Way You Make Me Feel" willy-nilly on the man's face appeared to smile), his movements just blew me ... to this very slim body probably even the biggest skeptics about the theory sobowtórach convinced that Michael is the man has little in common.

for comparison ... left double to the right while the real Michael, the differences evident ......

The apparent fake .. But it was only the beginning, then it was just better ... abandoned red shorts and put someone who has presented us with a comic dancing penguin with the song "Human Nature" .. just say that this song is strange and that Michael was always at the concerts performed her original choreography, consent, but something like this? What is not !!!!.
let us go forward with the song "I Just Can not Stop Loving You", of course, traditionally a duo - great ...., Just why the alleged MJ behaving so strangely? Can we ever Michael gasped the girl in any way for the breast and buttocks? Do you perform in relation to any woman's movements such ambiguous? Eeee I do not recall. Strange is it? In summary for me in the entire film is a real Michael, and this is without glasses in most scenes occurring in a blue shirt. If I remember correctly only exception being the song "Thriller" and "Earth Song" which is a fairly thick black jacket. Things, which is also worth noting is the scene: on the jack where you can see the great charm of Michael, a great dance to the song "They Do not Care About Us" (but only MJ without glasses), and moving performance of the song "I'll Be there ". Well
apropos word yet if anyone impersonators wanted to let them find the notes primarily on growth. Michael is a lot higher than Kenny Ortega, is double the growth of your director.
In the film, there are also two very important tips for those who believe that Michael Jackson is still alive and his death is a big hoax. From the very beginning (first 3 minutes) you can see a large mechanical character, on whose surface there are important paintings (min Elizabeth Taylor, children, beautiful world) and of the robot holds the ball in their hands and turned it around himself, as though it fun, at the end of the form of bursts and shows a scene in which stands double. In my opinion this should be read as follows: robot = Michael (valid for the images in the middle of the form), the ball = the world, rotate = fun, burst = bum = big come back, double = fake, a lie. Let 's get it all together you see: Michael Jackson, no doubt a great personality, great man, playing all over the world screwing all terribly but plans a comeback and the final play. This kind of breeze, which probably few who drew attention, but if anyone is wondering what in general was the introduction of a robot? But the film did not have a completely irrelevant for the tour ... definitely not. Interesting ... but the second stage is still a lot more intriguing. At the end of the strings, when people have already left the room there is yet another picture where impersonator standing next to Mr Ortega says very, very important word that everyone should open their eyes, you see:

"Stop the music. And Decision When I finish myself .... Maybe I come undone a button, snap one's fingers and boom-and when i decide come back myself. "

- shock?.
But the surprise this very much in the style of MJ 's all over and here the depth and the operative part of the whole movie.
a while yet before sentence is that the fans want to escape, then we give it to them. Do we have a theme?.
As for me, definitely yes. It is worth noting that the ending song is again well-known "Heal the World".

I'm terribly proud that for so long, I knew what was going on, "This is it" perfectly figured out all kinds of mysteries and symbols :))).
I reassured myself also in the belief that the best applications come from my own head. I do not believe anyone, I believe only myself. Carolina after the screening, said the same thing, so I guess I have no delusions :)))).
On Sunday I go to the theater alone again, this time to calmly look at once a few details. We'll see whether invent something new ....

So much :)))). Rudii thank you very much for the great company and helpful feedback:). Love You:).

"Hael the world"
"LOVE" \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3

I \u0026lt;3 You KING!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

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"This is it - tomorrow.


"This is the moment, this is the time -" THIS IS IT ......"

Generally the disease, which stopped me for a whole week at home, I'm trying now to return to normal mode. Unfortunately, I did not go completely, some go so muddy and introduces immense help to any red bulls and that sort of adjuvant. Ahhh once again I am somehow uncomfortable, ooo so far is the word best describes my current state.
Monday passed surprisingly quickly and quietly. Today, however, it was much worse and the afternoon spent in working with the director of the mental environment and clients are literally put me in the mood yet podlejszy wrrrr. Another boring as tripe hours supplemented with oil poor jokes that were not at all funny nothing brought to my life, and I am a person who wants something amount to anything, something you pick up. I tried to pretend and helped me with this song on "Get on the floor" (fantastic song). But the start of the week
Bohudík already behind me. Currently, I am very excited. The reason? - Tomorrow I go to the cinema to see "This is it" and nothing else interests me. This is what I've been waiting for this day for over a month. I'm terribly curious to see what I see and whether it will confirm my theory complicated. Like all who choose to cinema I also do not know exactly what I expect. So far, there are so many conflicting opinions on this film, simply in a world that began to be afraid. First of all, that you may find that everything is fake. In total, even to me is not surprised, at the end of director Kenny Ortega is the founder of shitów such as: "High School Musical" and "Hannah Montana" ... continue to not develop this point, simply leave it without comment. Well then everything will become clear tomorrow at 18.30. After 111 minutes I'll know where I stand and I hope you do not get out of the theater depressed and disgusted and, above all, that the film will not break my faith and did not signal that I had and I'm wrong. Today's figure it out ... we'll see tomorrow ...

I know one thing
Michael I love You.



Friday, October 23, 2009

Letter For Telephone Disconnection By Customer

"It's all for love. LOVE" Huge

“Wierzę w siłę marzeń i zdolność człowieka do wcielania ich w czyn”

„Marzenie nie jest jedynie marzeniem, jest celem. Jest czymś, co ludzka świadomość i podświadomość mogą zmienić w rzeczywistość”.

„Kiedy, ktoś wątpi w samego siebie, nie potrafi zmusić się do największego wysiłku. Jeśli sam nie wierzysz w siebie, kto w ciebie uwierzy?

„…umysł man is so powerful that it can help to achieve each goal, "

" With each project can draw just as much at it put a "

" For me, a truly courageous person is someone who can resolve conflicts without fighting and has enough reason to get out of the situation in this manner "

~ Michael Jackson
(" Moonwalk ")

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Were To Buy Diaze Pan Uk

irritable / / / Samsara.

finally got a coveted free days, there are as many as 3, as I turned into the Manager and also spend Monday doing nothing. I'm so tired that even my fingers refuse to obey. Ahh work in the afternoon is not fun, and never gives me pleasure. During those two months free from work, when I got up and went to sleep, about which I wanted. Completely oduczyłam the operation at fixed times by someone. Hurry nowhere, no one waited on me was not just me and your own schedule. Well, first of all I had nothing. Currently, I spend at work 7 or 8 hours, during which I am really missing above all music, like us some radio play, but after the first very quietly, on the other hand, unfortunately, does not find it in my tastes. Once a week can and let go of Michael Jackson, but I need his music non-stop. Normally, at times, i think the bears :(((, linked the ... I remember that I had once in your life going through such a huge fascination with Michael, in principle, there were two such phases, the first when I first knowingly came into contact with the work, and a former MJ the years 1995 to 1998. The second but it's a great back and the album "Invinicible" exactly 2001 years ... and now the same is true, I listen to these wonderful songs without a break, sleeping, waking up, riding the subway and tram, lying, eating, etc., etc. On pages lastfm, where he writes how many times to hear the songs of data currently appears questioned the number of 11 600 MJ songs :)))) lol except that even 150 songs and The Jackson 5 The Jackson dozen.

Next I read a book "Moonwalk," now I'm on page 170 (not counting the book has photos 288) also try to dispense the reading of it, because I do not want to go. It is very interesting and captivating. Mike's youthful years, is a topic that I was not well known ... but creative band The Jackson 5 did not know almost anything else. Now I have the opportunity to make up for shortcomings and do it with great pleasure. For now, I stopped at the stage of cooperation Mike'az Quincy Jones.
all highly recommended.
A few words about Michael, first of all the rest appeared on youtube video for the song "Come Together" dating from the movie "Moonwalker", in HD. This is one of the most hot videos MJ and I just love it.

Second looming large on the first day of the film shown in cinemas, "This is it" simply can not looking forward, left after only 10 days.
in various television programs in the U.S. (eg hours of Oprah) appear at a longer time fragments "This is it." Have appeared among other clips to the song "Human Nature", "Thay do not care about us" or "The Way You Make Me Feel." My opinion on this subject is quite controversial, because I think that the film not only see but Michael Jackson and his doppelganger and possibly even more. On what basis such a fortress? So after the first visible differences in appearance such as MJ from "Human Nature" and "The Way You Make Me Feel" and "They Do not Care About Us", on the other hand completely different (strange) ruchyn (eg penguin dance) and feeling muzyki (to główny argument mojego takiego a nie innego myślenia). No cóż, ale wstrzymam się z dogłębną analizą do 28.10 kiedy to obejrzę cały film. Mam nadzieję tylko, że patrząc na marną podróbkę nie wybuchnę śmiechem podczas projekcji :P.

Teraz a propos tytułu mojego posta powinnam wyjaśnić, czym jestem podirytowana, otóż czymś, na co nie mam w zasadzie większego wpływu, ale są ludzie, którzy mogą coś w tej kwestii zmienić tylko nie chcą. Interesują ich (za przeproszeniem) własne tyłeki and plugging their own pockets. I am thinking of the ruling Polish politicians. What in this country began to happen more than human understanding chasing affair scandal (first gambling, then the shipyard), and even that is probably not the end. Corruption for corruption and to suffer for this ordinary people, citizens, that needs to be yet, although the minimum quality of life. What prompted me to such a serious thought?, And so one day returning from work by subway to the train, which was boarded up old man. To my eye could have about 80-85 years old, shouldered a poorly kept looking harmonica in one hand while in the second plastic cup. Just collect the money ... for me it was so depressing and unpleasant sight that I could not resist, not to bend your head. How can this be, that in a country where politicians are leaving yourself a holiday for the taxpayers' money and organize banquets grandfather had such a derogatory manner in order to beg his grandfather, who probably own hands rebuilding this city?. I ask how can this be?? How??
As if all this were not enough there is the whole situation the second aspect. People traveling by subway naśmiewały of the poor man :(((. That's audacity, they were people of all ages from youth onwards, until the forties on one of about 60-year-old woman ending. Me most angry guy in a suit with a laptop in hand , was driving with his girlfriend is also very elegantly dressed, and considered themselves to be not known who actually rolling with laughter. Hmm, I united elite: / nieumiejąca to maintain ... wonderful showcase for the country ... just a pity ... you ask why I do not like this country? , you ask, why I want to get away, you ask, why all this is not identified? precisely because this is my answer.
not enough that the politicians are doing with us what they want, lying to us in the eyes, it's still alive, what people are Some people do not know how to behave, do not have an ounce of culture and respect ...
Not to mention even nabzdyczonych panienkach sitting like a big lady on buses and trams are not inferior places elderly people ... what they teach you in school, at home ???!!!!!.
I remember I was a little kid, which was repeated to me at school almost every day to help the elderly and the sick, to whenever the form of urban transport gets older person it should be free up space ... now that they do not teach? I do not want to believe.
Further problems, but they have probably surprised no one, hungry children and pervasive bureaucracy, everyone wants to be just for all the extra money. Nobody cares about the other person does not look at what happens further away from him ... he is interested in only the tip of his nose. There is no longer as beautiful as the characteristics of selflessness, probably forever extinct, and a great pity, because it is fantastic ...
Just tell me that is not only a Polish problem, that in every country it is, you are correct in every country there are problems in every country of bad people live in each country comes to scams, embezzlement, etc ... but I is not the point
... I mean first of all a certain behavior ... I have many friends and acquaintances around the world, I've been in many countries and never met with such impudence of such a selfish approach to life, with such a sham ...
It's terrible, but the conclusions true in Poland this is not good, and every year it is getting worse, unfortunately, I can see it in :(((. its close and distant surroundings. Perhaps it was because I chose a kind of alienation, social isolation ... I live my rhythm minimally engaging in the affairs of the country ... just a pity that so much money working loading the pockets of these fraudsters are not receiving in return nothing, because even on an ordinary visit to the GP have to wait more than a week, but that has nothing at all I can do.
good that with my mental condition in recent times is all right, I try to follow a designated route in early October, I have a purpose, I have a dream I found the meaning and above all of his life threw something to me for almost six years difficult. Complete cleaning cycle of change ... - Samsara.
Let nobody, nothing to disturb my peace. I am flying to read and listen to music.

Mejta se burst


Friday, October 16, 2009

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cervix Low And Hard And Miscarriage

"This is it -" This is fake "/ ziiiiima: D

Ehh lately I'm terribly busy, and what fun just missing the time I do not :(((. I look forward to the weekend already, I can still slow and probably rested.
hard work gives me hell, my psyche Train Little lady a non-stop telling me about his problems, until the normal time, I have fears. With all my might I try to understand it, but I guess I did not go.
to Warsaw had established winter from what they say to the whole Polish friends had established winter, indeed the whole of Europe. In the Czech Republic also śnieży and quite seriously ... I must admit that for the first time in my life I meet with an attack in the middle of winter in October. Woow what an anomaly. Ancik pulled out of the closet hat, and gloves .. haha finally can also wear its beautiful blue, Czech jacket and not look stupid in it :))).
I love winter, but I do not want her to come so early ... always there for me, winter began in early November, and what to 1.11 as I know there is still a few days. Hmm

daylight on Monday, saw the "new" song on Michael Jackson rises from the title "This is it." From the moment when I learned that it was 12.10 at the official site of MJ will be published in a completely new song, promoting the album and the film the same title, "This is it," I was very happy and skreślałam days in the calendar. On the night of Sunday to Monday I could not sleep I was so excited and curious about both the text and melody. As soon as I woke up nervously, I turned on the computer, typed in the browser address:, a few days earlier on youtube which appeared in 1940 - second part of the song, but then I was hoping it was a joke and that's what I find on the page MJ will be something completely different. Unfortunately, however, this was the song piece ... very average in the relatively poor quality. Already After 3 times I knew the whole melody heard in the memory and I could sing it ... in addition I felt like it already had heard somewhere before. Being in labor-intensive thought on how such a genius like Michael could make such a simple song without any meaning and message. After returning home, together with a colleague przeanalizowałyśmy text carefully, and here another blow to any conclusions, no sense .... This song has nothing to say, is such a kind of butter and butter ... songs packed full of nothing. Odniosłyśmy impression that MJ himself did not know what he sings and why exactly it sings. At night (when I thought the best), listened to, "This is it" a few times on my headphones and special things to turn out?, It is just a demo version recorded by one instrument - the piano ... it is worth noting also that the song had be recorded in the years 1975-1985 as the voice of Michael Jackson is quite different, in this case, a similar example to the "State of Shock" (1983), "Sunset Driver" (1980) and "Can not Get outta The Rain" (1981) and the sound quality is excellent. Let's be honest, this song would not have been a hit, but rather a dud ... I do not believe that it was promoted advertised as "incredible," unforgettable "Michael's last tour," This is it 'simply do not believe it. Impossible, let us remember what a fantastic song to promote the previous route of Michael "Bad," "Dangerous" and "History" I do not think I have anything else to write.
As if all this were not enough on Tuesday on the Internet, and newspapers around the world came about that the song "This is it," is old (it is estimated that it could be written 26 years ago) and yet there does not surprise Michael wrote it myself: P ... apparently most of the text written by Paul Anka. Personally, I was very happy, I knew that the King did not write such crap :)))). Irritated me, however, is that this whole Anka (forgotten, fallen star, our grandmothers and even great-grandmother), Michael accused of stealing and unlawful use of the track. Jackson family silenced him by paying him half the profits to record a song. Ehh again, pathetic man ... to be ashamed !!!!. I was not mistaken and that already I could hear this song, Anka and Jackson have posted it for any singer, "Safire," which brought her to one of his CDs.
Everything I understand, but it bothers me that the family, Ortega and Sony are doing with the fans of Michael debili. Pushes us further stupidity, in which we supposed to believe (movie, wills, message, boards, funerals, its) ... and it shares with this song just confirms hmmm .. I do not buy a CD with the soundtrack to the film, I had no way ... is in the plans but they are not, I will not these idiots and moonlighted oszystów. I hope that I'll ever will be a true record of Michael with some deep and intelligent lyrics. Listen to yourselves

"This is it ":////:


This is it, here I stand I'm
The Light of the world, I feel grand
Got this love I can feel
And yes I know for sure it is real

And it feels as though I've seen your face a thousand times
And you said you really know me
yourself too And I know That you have got addicted with your eyes [?]
But you say you gonna live it for yourself

I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thught that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand

This is it, I can say,
I’m the light of the world, run away
We can feel, this is real
Every time I’m in love that I feel

And I feel as though I’ve known you since 1,000 years
And you tell me that you’ve seen my face before.
And you said to me you don’t wnat me hanging round
Many times, wanna do it here before

I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thught that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand

This is it, I can feel
I’m the light of the world, this is real
Feel my song, we can say
And I tell you I feel that way

And I feel as though I’ve known you for a thousand years
And you said you want some of this yourself
And you said won’t you go with me, on a while
And I know that it’s really cool myself

I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thught that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand

I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thught that I would to be your lover
C'mon baby, just understand

bought the autobiography of Michael Jackson's "Moonwalk", it has already read in English now began to read in Polish. So far this is a very interesting book, but I know that not everything contained in it ... but as it is written in the introduction: Moonwalk says a lot about the real Michael, but you must read between the lines to really understand what he wanted " just so fun to do, I'll read between the lines. From what I'm doing quite well:)).

flee to read ... I leave you with a song and text.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Not Happy About Offer Letter

České diskotéky are bad: D / Harrachov Ceske Republiky

Ahoy hah.
The hill quickly went to the center of it pivko with Lukas ... it was great, but it was getting pretty late and plans had yet imprezka: P, I said goodbye to so I went to Harcov. Sup sup there hastily dressed up, in the meantime Borek wrote me another text message confirming that the stabbing or go to s-club, dressed and left his jacket. It's great that I was so close - just 5 minutes, this time straight road :))). haha \u200b\u200bI like s-club, I'm from this place almost the same nice memories. Three weeks of daily evenings during the World Cup did their job and permanently engraved in my memory. Hmm it's really a very pleasant place. If someone does not know S-Club are the three areas. In one example, you can enjoy great pizza, drink piva, or watch the broadcast of a match.

The second is a small but very cozy Discoteka, while the third is double track Bowling. To be clear, is not parked at the event with the jumpers, after a whole day looking at them, I was already probably a bit fed up. Initially arranged to a number of people with Railways (been there so many times that I have quite a large group of friends) to pivo and zelenou. Posiedzieliśmy, we talked and it was really very nice :)))). I met some fantastic new people, and everyone moved to "Zanzibar" ehh actually love this place, it looks like the inconspicuous, but that is where the best parties are held throughout the Liberec. Grana is almost the same Czech music, because I feel there simply sensational. Unfortunately
Czech jumpers also moved there, ahh in general did not mention the Czechs who came to flow around its "huge" success of P. There was a whole group of what I call dedicated to Cuba Jiroutka: D ie: Antonín Hájek, Jakub Janda, Borek Sedlak, Martin Cikl Honza earlier was still with his girlfriend, but they do not like disco spendami is traditionally called bored quickly went to the house . Hmm I have not mentioned Radek haha \u200b\u200byes, yes he was there too: P. In Zanziku first person that I fell into a jubilant Martin Cikl let that some things can not comment: D No coment! : P. However, it Sajkl Sajkl but what it made me put down Jandys just destroyed. Heh no reason to expect 'Jsem pes! But nekousám "- hahaha ... this whole situation has created, and so on my face even greater uradowanej smile. I have for him and for myself also a great message - Do not drink alcohol do not drink: D. In addition, I talked as intelligently with Cuba Jiroutkiem (who later began to sing out loud, "Anne, Anne, Anne ILY" not to Radek !!!), and of course, Borek (I love this guy). No no no to Jandysem konwersowałam but also about the above: P. After these intelligent dialogues I felt that I've had enough. On the f-co jsem se vrátila wheel pools třetí ... sprcha a postel looool. Mela jsem 3 piva, 2x and 3x zelenou vodku s Red Bull ... I drank a little but for that to happen unless really tired and I did not feel the best, and yet I am waiting for a trip to Jablonec - Harrachov - Szklarska Poreba, no, and Warsaw. Hehe Czech
events are bad: P, relatively cheap alcohol, lively music and friendly students lool this should be firmly prohibited Ančíkovi D. Both

Championships Czech as well as on all other occupations, for which I was very in this season I missed Frantisek Vaculik ... as it turned out during my conversation with the guys Borou also missing. The reason for the absence of the MC was Fanny kids at the camp, which had to be.

And so ended my stay in Liberec, it was really fantastic just a pity it's so short ... (these three days have passed too quickly) once again thank you all :)))) ...

to Harrachov I arrived at about 16.30. After a short walk (unfortunately no longer come into play, because it would not let me so sore foot) jumped on the dinner to the best restaurants in town, "U studny. I ordered smažený sýr s hranolkama and tatarkou (yum) to the pivo (Budweiser) from the sprite - (Shandy) ahh delicacies, so much to me that is missing in Poland.

from Harrachov as Liberec and have only the good memories, MD, squirrels, popijawki etc., etc. This is undoubtedly one of the my favorite places in the Czech Republic, and whenever I can fall for a while there, but simply using it.

At 19:30 came after my bus, which took me longer to Szklarska Poreba. I conclude that the shorter my stay in the Czech Republic, the greater the so-called depression popowrotowa. It is difficult to place so much that she loves to ride in a place with which you are very much in common. In fact, more and more departing from Polish. Everything in this sad country overwhelms me.
Today, however, enough.

Dobrou night


"Never Can Say Goodbye "!!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wavebox Microwave Oven Price

Mistroství seniorů \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3

It's time for a summary of the most important event of my stay in the Czech Republic. Speech, of course, the MDGs seniors ... as I mentioned yesterday, after the juniors struggle on the hill began to appear already experienced (not like that word, but in jumping it is very often used) Czech ski jumpers. To my great joy, all without exception, greeted me with a big smile on their faces :)))). Hahaha even Daniel Švec
who knows me pretend that I do not know: D this time came, nay even asked how I am curious hahaha what happened? : D ... But I still do not like a man, and nothing can change it (the main reason FV) ...
Koudy came first, followed by Jandys. I do not know why but from the very beginning of the Kuba me very pleased ... hahaha but it was caused but I do not know very well that he did not ask about the "Fudge": D. The next car came to my favorite jumpers: Borek, Honza and Ciklus :)))) and less than loved ... just Hlavka kombinatorzy after them, led by the Norwegian Minister Mirek. How nice to see and talk to Mirou uhu.
always like to see him somehow beats faster serducho me: P but why do not scrutinize a great feeling :)))). Mirku thanks (for what you know: *).

As if this were not enough, in Liberec was my super Banska Bystrica kamarad with Tomas Zmoray ... I have not seen him since LGP in Zakopane, and we were both happy that we managed to meet in Liberec. Undoubtedly, would use his invitation, and soon I will choose the coolest city in Slovakia.

He promised me he will teach me to paint graffiti (I always wanted to learn) and take on hip-hop concert of their colleagues :))). Hip-hop, but I never listened Zmordy sent me a few pieces and I must admit that those of his colleagues are phenomenal.

Hehehe a little too much and emotions, already itself does not know who I talk to, it was nice that each of your friends found for me a minute and is quite long:)).
Tribune traditionally were empty as always, there are only a few friends and family members of players. As for those photographers, it came three Germans (who apparently get bored), three Czechs and me: D.

still do not understand this lack of interest in ski jumping in the Czech Republic, yet it is an interesting sport and specifically Czech ski jumpers are and some nice presents really quite good form. I thought that in a city like Liberec, where the hills exist after some fans of the sport. Well, for years but unfortunately nothing has changed ... and perhaps even a measure of success in Cuba Janda in 2006 will not help.

Most of the time I spent with Borek (I repeat that I just love it), a wonderful time powspominaliśmy Vistula obgadaliśmy Heye geyę: D ... and her gay friend, that persecute poor on facebook and a few other stronkach. Skomentowaliśmy all the latest developments in the Czech Republic and abroad. We wondered what happens to the Czech soccer ball, what movies we see now and that Michael Jackson is alive. During these in-depth analysis Borek said: "Angel, you JSI Češka už, už you JSI NASA Borek hehe thanks for those beautiful words, but of course you're right: D. It was also charming as told anything about Poland, gave the up and said, "with you" after a while, however, corrected himself by saying "with them" heheh.

Borek is a wonderful man full of inner warmth, who knows how to behave in every situation and miejący a lot to say on any subject. I think these are the main reasons that so we get along great. We can actually talk without interruption. I often remember a beer - wine from the Vistula River where we could not even backbite, and faces up to us just not to close: D. I'm very grateful, because on several occasions helped me tremendously. I appreciate and I am happy that I called her friend.
Borkovi few photos I took, I must admit that it is exceptionally well photographed posing boy haha \u200b\u200b:)))), :))). Photos of the jump is no longer so our tradition. Ever since I met him, he always carries pictures of jumps in the background, whether in Zakopane, or Liberec Harrachov. Review the effects themselves, but the smile is not cool! : D

Janek throughout the day was very sad, I have no idea what happened it has. He tried to smile and all the talk, but from afar it was apparent that something was not right. Just two weeks earlier in the Vistula River was quite different, unless something happened, but I do not go into details, because it looks pretty serious problem. I guess what's going on but it was but .... After all, we talked and it was a nice :))). Also saw something that previously had no idea. Jack has a superb attitude to children. On the hill was the wife of a Norwegian swindler Pavel Churavego with their tiny son, and so delightfully Jane spoke to him, wore it ahhh you see on your hands that you really have dreams about the baby .... Later, he ran a long time for me and I exchanged big smiles .. I tuned it somehow positively :)))).

contest itself was a long and very interesting. In the first series Borek jumped briefly and it was clear that the podium will not happen. Janek here, strangely enough, on the contrary he gave a very good jump, and at the halfway point he was in fourth place. I wanted someone with two Matura, Sedlák took place on the podium and firmly I kept my fingers crossed for them. Jumps between the players watched what is happening at the booths. Well, there is no denying that I had the problem of who to direct your eyes, there were far too many handsome: D ... I have a weakness for the Czechs, but it's probably not surprising: P. My attention is drawn by two handsome Norwegian kombinatorzy: Petr Kutal and Ales Vodseďálek.

Petr Kutal

Ales Vodseďálek

back to jumping just jumped alarmingly young Poles, which somehow I did not enjoy too much. In the end Czech Championship and not Polish, and the Czechs were present on their land high level. Not only that downgraded the Czech junior, is still in the seniors want to mess? No. NO!.
second series is much better jump Bork, on the podium but it was too little. On the Janka is angry because it broke the second jump and had lost their chances for a good place. He was only 6 :((((. In general, he was one of the vicious cycle of day and for several reasons, which I just know I do. Poor guy but that's his problem.

Roman Koudelka won, of course, was second and the third Jakub Janda Tonda Hájek. A little bit I did not like this platform, scored Foch, and I have not done any pictures of the scenery. Sorry no!.

After 3 decorations because so many has been the (stripped down torn up a little in that which is actually a former occupations "Czech Championship," "Adidas Cup" or "Cup of Liberec" ), everyone began to leave the hills. Goodbye Honzou and the other and I went to the center. The share of goodbye I do not write because I think a little bit ruined. When I went to dinner, wrote to me, my friend Lukas, who invited me to pivoo. Of course I agreed, we had three and I went on Harcov. There, I received an SMS from Bork, I appeared on "esku, disguised himself and went. The interesting event and a trip to Harrachov write tomorrow.

I have yet to write that the Czech Championship games are the best at what I was. That's all for me these games tion tion. It is great that I could not go on. Thanks to all who accompany me to stay.

- Děkuju power! I love Czech Ski Team \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 I love Liberec \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3

Mejta Hezky se.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Small White Circle On Gums

Liberec and České Republiky Mistroství juniorů - THIS IS IT!

Hmm, then I'm done, oh, so to LIBERCE arrived on Tuesday around 16.10 hours, quickly he got a ticket and boarded the tram. Fügnerce switched on bus No. 15 and it directly already got on the railways and TUL Harcov you like, hmm, ie we can say that directly because the bus was waiting for me again about 10 minutes uphill road. Unfortunately the hotel is located up the block F is also quite far away, zwarzywszy I had a very heavy bag he had to carry on my shoulder and I was a little tired of the way through torment hehehe, but I came and this is important. On-site show off how perfect her (haha), Czech and checked in pretty quickly :))). I was assigned a room 19B, is one of the largest rooms which made me very happy. If someone does not know the railways in Poland dormitory. However, much would have wanted to Polish dormitories look like this in LIBEREC ... I recall that during the World Cup athletes lived there, and everything has been refurbished and meets the criteria for the three-star hotel. Well I know all these blocks, rooms and surrounding area was the World Cup, after all, where I spent almost 3 weeks. After the primary ogarnięciu (shower, tea, etc.) yet I went to my beloved "Eska" (restaurant and Discoteka one) where I ordered the best under the sun cheese pizza \u0026lt;3, and beer. I recently tasted the "Gambrinus", may, therefore, that the "Budweiser" is already in Poland and the "Gambrinus" officially yet. I ate and went back to the room, I washed my head, I turned to Michael and I went to bed, I was on this trip and Prague so exhausted that I slept without a problem 12 hours.
On Wednesday I woke up around 7.00 am I did not have nowhere to hurry, because a series of trial MDGs juniors began only at 14.00, but I wanted to go more to the center and of the some shopping. LIBEREC changed nothing further is just a beautiful city, which was earlier. I just love it, just walking on the streets makes me so much joy and I'm so happy that it's hard for words to describe it. Undoubtedly, this is my place on earth and probably next year but that is where I choose to study.

walked a whole market of all my favorite stores: "Kenvelo", "Lifestyle Sports", "Alpina Pro" etc ... I bought a cool T-shirt "Nike" and I went to dinner. I chose a Chinese restaurant beautifully named "Panda" hahaha I last a little obsessed with the animals: D and all started in the Vistula: D. People-oriented know what's going on: D ...

This restaurant is located in the gallery Nákupní "Plaza." If anyone ever Liberec will encourage you to try there are nudle kuřecím masem., something wonderful.

Going even noticed a very large toy store, "Dráčik" I needed to buy some gifts for friends and thought that there surely find something interesting. Besides the whole bag dárků bought something for themselves. Haha walking in between the shelves I came across such a sizeable rubber hippo is so cute that I could not not buy it: P ... I decided that I'm going on for some time brought happiness and then get it from me, someone to whom I owe a lot and who is for me a very important person.

Smooth criminal: P

you already have everything I needed I went to the hills, before I received a proposal for a lift to the top, but not benefited from it, I found that good for me will do the walking tour, and contact with nature. Mute somehow always positively influenced me, I was just me, the music of Michael and clean way damaged in space - a revelation. After some 30 minutes I found myself on the hill, the young divers just beginning to warm up. At the beginning I met two individuals who made it on my face smile appeared. Speech by Milošu Kadlecu and Hubert Bláha, I just love them, are very nice and positive. In general, the MDGs is a fantastic competition for someone as much as I love the Czech team and that's because he has a chance to meet there, all Czech Norwegian jumpers and combiners, both the young and the elderly.

first competition, which took place that day on the hill were the struggles of girls. Supporter of my colleague Lucie Mikov. I held my fingers crossed for it all the more that it was her first jump after a serious injury, we enjoyed the World Cup is an object in Liberec. Unfortunately, her jumps were not sensational, but it is only the beginning and I am sure that soon it will be better. I believe in her because she has enormous potential and a good attitude to all this.
results are not significant, important, it could to pick up after such a serious injury, I know what I mean, because I had the same problem with his leg, what a difference it is that I've grown to the sport but it did not go back anyway. After the contest, talked himself. Never did see a little bit, so it was a lot of topics.

very happy to have met: Luck, Jirka Mazocha, David Ripper, Martin Plhala, Lukas Samohyla etc. ...

Jiri Mazoch - (photo specifically for crotch: P)

David Ripper - TJ Frenštát the Radhoštěm

Martin Plhal - Nové Mesto in Moravia

Lukáš Samohýl - LSK Lomnice over Popelkou

These people are so cool and such The positive as you can see a lot of fun making them jump, great to see in their eyes such a passion and love :))). Same games were over very quickly and I was little, as I followed them because I was running with the camera making photos :)))). I have a lot of pictures and I have to admit that they are quite nice.

During the break between sets I moved a long conversation with Hugo ... I will not conceal that I love him: P. It is a pity that he is so young (hehehe) undoubtedly has become my favorite jumper, and his smile is just unbelieveable. It reminded me of how the KP in Zakopane with Eve we did the photos he was so embarrassed hahah: D ahh remember those shares until the end of life.

Hubert Bláha - LSK Lomnice over Popelkou

After the competition, most young athletes gathered things and went home. Some, however, decided to compete in the seniors competition on a large object. At that time, to the area began to slide down all your friends .. led by head coach David Jiroutkiem: P, and the entire staff of A and B jumpers: D ...
A jury in addition to all a group of Czechs also several jumpers Polish team B, all basic representations of Kazakhstan, Russia and the B squad of Slovak athletes.
forget, it also ran (to my great surprise) Slovenian - Jernej Damjan.

The seniors, however, struggle in the next post.

Milos Kadlec & Honza Kozak - D

I must also mention that in principle all the time staying on the hill kinda makes my two young divers from the Moravě Město Nový - Miloš Kadlec and Honza Kozak oh with them was fun hahaha. These guys never smile never leaves ztwarzy ... a pink shirt Moso just destroy me: D ... In short it was fun: D ... thanks guys:)))

Tomorrow Mistroství seniorů České Republiky.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lamborghini Calgary Rental

Prague / Praha, however, captivated me:) Good

Since yesterday I am now in Warsaw. Ahh those 3 days in the Czech Republic were really crazy. It still admire that in just 72 hours I managed to do many things. Mention the fact that I arrived injured. Right foot hurts me terribly and I can not walk, but it really was worth it. From the very beginning it was wonderful \u0026lt;3

begin from Tuesday.
After 8 hours in the bus line "Eurolines" I got to the Czech capital - Prague. I was a little tired but very happy that I came back to my beloved country. The journey itself went very peacefully, the bus was full, so I could easily lie down and a little nap. I listened all the way Michael and I felt great. We blew it up at one of Prague's bus stations tz: UAN Florenc. In contrast to the Polish train is very clean and modern, nicely until you sit on it. It is a pity that I did not do photos, but somehow it did not fell into. Catch up next time :))).
I believe that Poland should take an example from the Czechs, they always know how to manage money. Consider for example, roads or buildings for public use (libraries, theaters, cinemas, etc.) all the outstanding stock. From the station I went to Metro ... is probably the only thing that will somehow "our" republic not too I like it. Comparing with the Warsaw metro, Prague is a dirty, intricate and old, but that can be used to. I got to the line B and I went on Ovenecka, where he made an appointment with my great friend Petra. First, the Mc Donalds zajrzałyśmy for coffee. The coffee was a necessity for me as I was a little die: D ... Wondering what we do with the disposal of a few hours realized that it could go for a walk to see the most interesting places in Prague. Turning down the street Vodičkovou wstąpiłyśmy still fantastic bageterii, where he ate great cheese sandwiches :))). I have not eaten such a good sandwich.

Prague old town never before I am not delighted, nay the whole Prague somehow appealed to me. But this time something strange happened. I just do not know how it can, but I began to discover in this city, it all started to me awfully like it. She woke up in me a fascination quite large, even castles, and monuments, which always I associated with the hated Warsaw took different picture. Probably true to say that sooner or later fall in love with wPradze. Yes, yes, I do not want to say this, but these are facts. I fell in love and is probably very much. Beautiful, intricate streets ahhh I miss them terribly and I will do everything so that as soon as possible to go back there again. Once again, the industry, the option of studying a dream journalism in Prague, yet I have all year:).
mistakenly juxtapose Prague and Warsaw are two completely different city ... a trip to Prague history, detachment from the realities of the 21st century. Sure, just because so many people does it come in different countries .. Spaniards, Germans, Poles, Portuguese, etc., etc.

Petra We decided that we will go to the movies yet . Petra is kinomaniaczką, loves to watch movies and have a lot of knowledge on the subject. Do not protested, my condition was the only one that we have to go to Czech film. Przejrzałyśmy repertoire, but played in the afternoon, there was only one Czech film: "Protector". Film awfully strange, and I must admit that I massacred, and a little disoriented. Terribly I liked the music. There was a rhythm, sometimes it was fun, but the whole plot was pretty heavy and tragic. She told stories of a man radio host, who was hiding his Jewish wife - actress during the German occupation, also had to lie repeatedly, and the word to betray his country. At the end, however, changes and begins to appreciate Czechoslovakia and jam her arms. One word story, but just learned some new words.
At the end of the projection we went by subway already in Cerny Most, where the bus was leaving "The student agency" to Liberec. Woow yellow bus "Student agency" is a wonderful thing, yet never traveled such ekskluziwem. Not only does the ticket cost me only 65 of the Civil Code is in addition, The guide we had. During the journey, which lasted just an hour and five minutes, passengers are offered hot drinks (we had a choice: coffee, tea, fruit tea, or hot chocolate), newspapers (to choose the 15 most popular Czech journals, including every sphere, from politics to music to sports) and headphones that allow live music (to choose from Czech, foreign, classic). At six screens flashed the movie ... hehe, and I liked it.

About Liberec tomorrow :)))).

Mejta Hezky se, dobrou night
