Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where To Get The Rainbow Wing In Shiny Gold

Wisla, Wisla Wisła ahh - Czech trip \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3

Saturday in Wisla, unfortunately, has passed very quickly. The competition even really do not know when it ended. The entire first series of the small Mazda przegadałam, we did break itself only when the home bar appeared Czech ski jumper. I love the little Mazda
and very good for us to talk on any subject. Hmm, we were both sick and wspomagaliśmy to tea, with catering for teams .. I do not know who sweeten the tea, but I found that exaggerated: D ... Of course, no one arranged a mini-catering, although some journalists: (((no but I survived.

Ahh, I felt already poorly, probably started me dopadać fever, but I tried to not think about it. I took the camera and started shooting. Immortalize two Austrian snip: David Zauner and David Unterberger, ahh, this is just another pretty well and so generally nice, but I'm holding on your team. Jack after his jump past me and Mazda said with a big smile, "unless I blew ups jump" and then showing us into ... hahah it was good, a plus for him.
This time we have gained four points of the Czechs, once again best was Jakub Janda (could merit "fudge"? Hahaha) who finished 9th. 14 was Borek, 17 - and 18 Maturyn - Tonda.

I must admit that quite good results but Honza would be a bit higher, but that in Zakopane :)))). Now, when the jumps are a lot better, I am convinced that it and the results will come. After the second jump of Honzou've arranged that, as a disguise another minute talk, too bad that the Czechs again went home immediately after the contest ... but that's what I have with them during this trip experiences it was cool enough and I completely :)))). Returning to the conversation, we analyzed a few things and found out something interesting, but I leave it to yourself.

wonderful thing is that now, when I thought that the spikes are no longer for me that I already do not play that I should end it turned out that the problem discipline is not only that, for example on competition in Zakopane I missed my favorite players, ie: Bork and Honzu. With them spikes are more super, the best proof of this may be the fact that when he sat on the beam off one of them flew like a fool on the hill, clenched fingers crossed, and then either be happy or sad I was. The correct response, which was already thought to oduczyłam. After 15 minutes talking to our two Borek yet joined, his dad, and later Tonda no longer the whole team was standing by a cherry bus. We had to take a photo of this common, performance offered dad hahah Bork, of course, it was also a lot of fun because you had a problem with Sedlak button is pressed, the first two pics did not come out and everyone had to be set again: D. This time the pic has already left, but cut off Honzu and it certainly could not have ...

already forgave the common stock and came up with that, since there are only missing Honzík should have a still picture with him and so it happened.

Additionally as a bonus: D has gone and shot from Honzou Borek ie me and my tion, tion Skokana :)))) parade. I was mega happy, because the photos came out very nicely. The boys suggested that I even rode with them for dinner, but I already felt so bad that I dreamed only of the bed and hot tea with lemon. We said goodbye, and so I told them ok, see you somewhere in Zakopane, all with one voice improved me that neeeee "Angel vidíme se v Lbc on the MDGs" hahah Oh yes, as usual, I forgot that I go to the MDGs at the end of September. I replied that I am not yet sure whether I will go there, but Honza said eee without you do not jump: D hahah well unless I have no choice.

Continental Cup Wisla neměl chybu simply, I could not believe it would be so cool. Awfully glad that I went there and found out that the Czechs are super and I really like it.
Well, my Czech is not so tragic ;)))). Good proposals :)))).
Sticking power vám děkuju, jste nejlepší!!
Hahaha still something I must mention, the biggest sensation in the Vistula did my bag with the Czech flag ... but not here in total wonder, yet it is beautiful.
After the Czechs had left for me was all over, with the girls for a while postałyśmy with cameras, we did a few pics and no we met on the bus. Along the way, we met no Heya gay and forest sprites, D. Forest elves were weird ... those outfits and this behavior OMG ... Mars Attacks!!
Bus and arrived just at that moment hit me like, 'I'm sorry "to the end ... the end of the meeting with the Czech Republic, the end of your stay in this wonderful place. Ahh, I admit that I do not like goodbyes, especially if somewhere I feel so good as there. It is a pity that what passes as quickly cool, ((. Once we arrived at the center, I will not speak, that was my fault przejechałyśmy one stop too far away (and a stop on the Vistula River is about 4 km, D) and had to catch bus in the opposite direction, but as we were already on the street: Olympic stawiłyśmy still on the pizza. Was extremely high;) n and tasty. Then it's just spending time in the apartment ... evening the girl went to the disco and I shower and to bed the next day somehow I may as unfit for driving.
Well then summing up the Vistula spent four wonderful days in a fantastic apartment in good company, participated in the concert "Feel" so great I played with the Czech Republic. Birthdays are among the best in my life.
now getting ready to have fun in the Czech championship, but my first goal is to completely be cured, because the disease, which is przyplątała is a strange and I'm weakened.

Undoubtedly it was for me the Czech trip.
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