Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Is Using Whippets Bad For Your Lungs

Wisla, Wisla Wisła ahh \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 den 1 and 2:) I'm starting to gather

Yesterday I returned home ... as opposed to Zakopane, unfortunately I have to write :((((((. Wisla went back (because that's where I was) a wonderful, picturesque town situated on the southern Polish right, near the border with my Czech \u0026lt;3 Earlier Wisla
to remind me only of the city where he was born and lived the best jumper in history, ie Adam.
Thursday's trip was a two-step, Warsaw - Katowice and Katowice - Wisła. Hmm, somehow everything went surprisingly quickly and with a big smile on his face greeted convoluted streets of the Vistula. The city is really very beautiful ... you must praise the purity and the fact that locals are very nice. After passing through the center we were able to locate our apartment ... a little that we are przespacerowały, but it's what does not kill us, we will strengthen it as a great friend of mine says B.
apartment just fantastic, a large upscale nothing more to add ... Billiards gym, barbecue, satellite, etc., etc, although once I had the nose and I found a cool place.
After the initial unpacking and checking the mail box we went się na zapoznawczą procházku oraz pierwszy ciepły posiłek :). Pizza była bardzo smaczna i chłopak, który ją przygotowywał heheh też całkiem całkiem :)))0. Centrum podobnie jak i obrzeża bardzo mnie zafascynowały… jedyny minus tej miejscowości to fakt iż wszędzie jest dość daleko… a komunikacja miejska no cóż nie należy do najlepiej rozwiniętych… dodatkowo przymus kupna biletu u kierowcy pojazdu oraz to, że za przejechanie zaledwie 2 km musisz płacić ok. 3,90 no i o częstotliwości kursowania autobusów już nie wspominam. Jednak z tym naprawdę można sobie jakoś poradzić, nie przyjeżdża objazdówki there for outdoor walks but hehe: P. Wieczorek
rozegrałyśmy few games of pool, of course, I will not be told who has won everything: D hahah poor girls: D obejrzałyśmy all the most sexy music videos by Michael Jackson and drank beers and quickly breezery Sup, Sup to bed :))).

Friday is for me the best day. Morning receiving accreditation (I, unlike others I did not have the slightest problem), and a quick shopping trip to the hills ..
object itself I really like these little stands but does not look too inviting aha, and lack of houses for players (but apparently on this all the time is still running).
When we reached the hill they were already haha \u200b\u200ball the players except the team which always have the longest wait = Czechs: D, but that is already used to it. It took about 30 minutes, and drove to the parking lot of cherry red bus "Dukla Liberec" I stood myself in quite some distance away to look at what eventually came up. Extremely happy when I get off one after another began to Honza, Borek, Jandys, Cesta and Tonda, there was only a Mazda but as it turned out because it was in the hotel is ill. The whole training stopped at a house where their belongings were Norwegians and Austrians min hahah and why I was standing there? hmmm because this is where the most interesting was that day .. you could have a laugh with "Heya Norge" or, if you will, "Heya gay 'hahahah, just blew me its a religion of love in relation to a dozen passers-by the jumpers: D ... that girl must have a big heart normally Respect: D.
As for the Czechs are also pretty tired after their predominantly Bork, but he, as usual, at the level of any situation wybrnie
Between sets I went for a moment outside the facility met all the Czechs back sitting on the curb hehe somehow I did not want there to be approached, but the S came out very differently and had no exit ... but maybe a good thing. Arranged to flow around the guys on my birthday (which, incidentally, coming soon) and at 20.00 I had to appear in "Alcatras'. Jumping the Czechs in the training were very good, especially cheered me upward trend in Honzík so long waiting for his best jumps :)))).

Uhu all the time where I was and what I did not do songs with me Michael ... sorry girls, that you so tired, but I hope that the dostrzegłyście Mike depth music ... songs accompanying the visit was "Billie Jean" haha \u200b\u200bI think everybody already knows this song by heart: D.

series analyzed the results of training, once more teamed up with Borek apropos of the meeting (hmm thank some girls that we recorded their rozmowę na kamerę poproszę o ten filmik chętnie obejrzę :O) .. i trzeba było się zbierać…prosto ze skoczni udałam się do tego pubu. Byłam tam punkt 20.00 na wejściu spotkałam uradowanego Radka hahaha…. Chwilkę później weszli Borek i Tonda… Jandys niestety musiał jechać do domu (jako, że mieszka bardzo blisko) a Česta i Mazda byli chorzy… po 10 min przyszedł jeszcze Janek, także wszyscy moi ulubieni skoczkowie byli heheh :D. Zamówiliśmy piwo, wino i zaczęliśmy kilkugodzinną rozmowę.. hehe zdążyliśmy przelecieć chyba każdy temat począwszy ode mnie, heji geji i jump: D. Needless to write, that was just fantastic. It is logical, in my case. Thank you very much guys for the fact that no future in general for everything :))))). Thus ended the second day in the Vistula River on two consecutive write tomorrow.

I Love You guys :)))) king and love You.



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