Friday, September 18, 2009

How To Make Your Bathtub Not Slippery

WISŁA - Najpiękniejsi: D

decided to make its own plebiscite on the most jumpers of the Vistula ... I have to admit that there came a great many nice players, no not all belong to the Czech team. It is known that the first two places will occupy my favorite jumpers Honza Matura and Borek Sed lakes, but the remaining seats will certainly be a surprise.
Persons which I watched with great pleasure were two Austrian ski jumpers, which classifies in places 3 and 4: D. The first is David Unterberger, who has amazing eyes and this is very nice. The second is a former Norwegian swindler David Zauner .. in total I do not know why I think it is a handsome He just is, period. Cake: P.
5 position is Jiri Mazoch , which is awfully cute, well and has very pretty eyes. Place 6 for a French knight Nicolas Mayer, interesting Japanese beauty is good harmony with the French language: D. 7th place put Arthur Pauli him can not fail to notice personal charm, 8, the last place for the Polish rider Krysia Miętus ... primarily for the high culture of which I present a personal and a very nice smiles.

1) Honza Matura

2) Borek Sedlak

3) David Unterberger

4) David Zauner

5) George Mazoch

6) Nicolas Mayer

7) Arthur Pauli

8) Chris Burbot

Today's Birthdays Fanna my friend, and I want to make it here as well Best wishes.

Fanno Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám, Hodn, zdraví, štěstí and ůsměvu:).

Mejta se Fajn



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