Sunday, September 27, 2009

Good Wax To Use At Home For Brazillian

passo-going - Liberec przyybywam: D

Hehe good humor never leaves me, it's probably true that a few days after the birth, only that you be accompanied by good luck :)))), just met me. I'm behind a fantastic week, fun-filled and wise reflection. After the first two meetings with my wonderful friends who celebrated my birthday with me - Thanks guys :***. Secondly, I turn to my beloved drugstore.
After two months working on a clothing stand again for posting my work on Ken (well short of the best of my knowledge, and good relationships with customers hahahaha :)))))
terribly because of that I'm glad :)))). Change some rules and the staff was slightly offset, but it will be fun. After all, I love beauty, I made friends with the representatives, and worked out relationships with customers. That is what really turns me on. The most important, however, are two completely different things that I'm going tomorrow to Liberec, the best professions, ie the Czech Republic Championships in ski jumping and the fact that all the time I believe !!!!. Just believe and now it's probably like never before!. I am accompanied by any such conviction and peace of mind that everything will be fine and that I be very happy. Optimism and a smile most of all. That is what I learned.
Ahhh no, and I completely forgot. Today I booked tickets for "THIS IS IT" succeeded on the first day of projection. Along with Caroline, we are heading for the "Golden" 28th already October. It is strange, never before did not book tickets for the film shown at the cinema a month in advance. Hehe, one thing is certain it will be interesting and I hope to find in the film some important clues. I can not wait.
Well then I'm going to pack things ... I hope it will be nice in the Lbc :)))). Yours sincerely


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pinguecula Does It Go Away On Its Own?

Faith and Hope die last - "Keep The Faith"

It's very complicated when a person believes in something I do not believe al. Everyone looks at you like a freak from another planet. But you can not change their beliefs under the influence of others. The bottom line is after all what your heart tells.
Even if that is what you believe then you'll be disappointed he was aware that it's just your choice and your decision. Analyzing your case, I see that it is not easy, but I will be persistent in your faith, and no one or nothing is not and will not be able to break my faith.
is one of the things that I learned from my greatest mentor - MJ. Previously I did not think that song or more accurately their lyrics are so much influence on a man so changed. But that is only if they write a song good people and great artists ..

I love this piece and every time you start to doubt it myself repeating several times:

"So, continue in the faith
Do not let anyone delude you
You know when you should
make the dream come true

So continue in faith
baby, yeah.
Because, it's just a matter of time
Before your confidence will win

Believe in yourself, no matter what happens
You win, but you must persevere in faith.
Remain in this brother! "

You have to believe in yourself, you must believe in the world, you have to believe in another person ... even in these difficult and false time you have to believe. Faith works miracles!!

decided to compile a list of my favorite songs by Michael Jackson. In the case of this artist but it is terribly difficult task. When someone says, create a Top-10 is not possible, the Top-20 also does not. Michael wrote a lot of songs, and almost every one is wonderful. I chose 35 songs, all you can listen or download on my profile page Here link. I urge you, because they really worth exploring especially the less popular pioseneki king.

1 . „Give In to me”
2. „Smooth criminal”
3. „Blood on the Dance floor”
4. “On the line”
5. “Fly away”
6 . “Cry”
7. “For all time”
8. “The lady in my life”
9. “Who is it”
10. “In the closet”
11. “Leave me alone”
12. “Fall again”
13. “D.S”
14. “Keep the faith”
15. “Man in the mirror”
16. “Butterflies”
17. “You are not alone”
18. “We are the world”
19. “Sunset driver”
20. “Music and me”
21. “Tabloid junkie”
22 . “They dont care about us”
23. “History”
24. “Beat it”
25. “Tease me”
26. “The lost children”
27 . “We’ve had enought”
28. “Never can say goodbye”
29. “Billie Jean”
30. “I’ll be there "
31st "Little Susie"
32nd "Jam"
33rd "Whatever happenes"
34th "If You dont love me"
35th "Dirty Diana"

Mejta Hezky se and do not give up.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Is The Top Ab Machine

Birthday, Narozeniny ...

missed the moment of his friends and I decided to write a few words. Nieeeee truth is that I wanted to have a note here dated 22.09. Well you can not hide that I have a birthday today so I'm here, so to speak a year older. I do not feel something special with this sensational: D, is not no joke, a total nothing has changed .. Yet it is crucial to how old a man is, he feels :))))). 1922-1922 Magic works hehehe, because I feel sensational :)))))

Ahh I wanted to thank everyone for their beautiful and valuable wishes, for all the entries and messages on facebook, for text messages, etc., etc. Thank you very much Anita for surprise, which caused me to a post on the blog and the girls for videos, photos, etc :))))). It's all a lot to me and shows that some people in the world really likes me :)))).
As for the birthday dream is now I have one, but it is so huge. Are they true? I do not know, I just have to wait and believe . Keep The Faith!!

most beautiful wishes that I received a request from my friend Leos :)))).

"bohužel, vůbec nevi what would přesně chtěl Anicca k dvaadvacátinám popřát :-(.... Hlavna Woods!: -* A zdraví! ŠTĚSTÍ A .... A »Šťastná them a směje Krásná so as se jen loved it :-) the Corps of the tvou polskou tvář aníku: -* "

flee to celebrate, once again thank you all, Všem power děkuju, Thank You very much :*****


Friday, September 18, 2009

How To Make Your Bathtub Not Slippery

WISŁA - Najpiękniejsi: D

decided to make its own plebiscite on the most jumpers of the Vistula ... I have to admit that there came a great many nice players, no not all belong to the Czech team. It is known that the first two places will occupy my favorite jumpers Honza Matura and Borek Sed lakes, but the remaining seats will certainly be a surprise.
Persons which I watched with great pleasure were two Austrian ski jumpers, which classifies in places 3 and 4: D. The first is David Unterberger, who has amazing eyes and this is very nice. The second is a former Norwegian swindler David Zauner .. in total I do not know why I think it is a handsome He just is, period. Cake: P.
5 position is Jiri Mazoch , which is awfully cute, well and has very pretty eyes. Place 6 for a French knight Nicolas Mayer, interesting Japanese beauty is good harmony with the French language: D. 7th place put Arthur Pauli him can not fail to notice personal charm, 8, the last place for the Polish rider Krysia Miętus ... primarily for the high culture of which I present a personal and a very nice smiles.

1) Honza Matura

2) Borek Sedlak

3) David Unterberger

4) David Zauner

5) George Mazoch

6) Nicolas Mayer

7) Arthur Pauli

8) Chris Burbot

Today's Birthdays Fanna my friend, and I want to make it here as well Best wishes.

Fanno Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám, Hodn, zdraví, štěstí and ůsměvu:).

Mejta se Fajn


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where To Get The Rainbow Wing In Shiny Gold

Wisla, Wisla Wisła ahh - Czech trip \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3

Saturday in Wisla, unfortunately, has passed very quickly. The competition even really do not know when it ended. The entire first series of the small Mazda przegadałam, we did break itself only when the home bar appeared Czech ski jumper. I love the little Mazda
and very good for us to talk on any subject. Hmm, we were both sick and wspomagaliśmy to tea, with catering for teams .. I do not know who sweeten the tea, but I found that exaggerated: D ... Of course, no one arranged a mini-catering, although some journalists: (((no but I survived.

Ahh, I felt already poorly, probably started me dopadać fever, but I tried to not think about it. I took the camera and started shooting. Immortalize two Austrian snip: David Zauner and David Unterberger, ahh, this is just another pretty well and so generally nice, but I'm holding on your team. Jack after his jump past me and Mazda said with a big smile, "unless I blew ups jump" and then showing us into ... hahah it was good, a plus for him.
This time we have gained four points of the Czechs, once again best was Jakub Janda (could merit "fudge"? Hahaha) who finished 9th. 14 was Borek, 17 - and 18 Maturyn - Tonda.

I must admit that quite good results but Honza would be a bit higher, but that in Zakopane :)))). Now, when the jumps are a lot better, I am convinced that it and the results will come. After the second jump of Honzou've arranged that, as a disguise another minute talk, too bad that the Czechs again went home immediately after the contest ... but that's what I have with them during this trip experiences it was cool enough and I completely :)))). Returning to the conversation, we analyzed a few things and found out something interesting, but I leave it to yourself.

wonderful thing is that now, when I thought that the spikes are no longer for me that I already do not play that I should end it turned out that the problem discipline is not only that, for example on competition in Zakopane I missed my favorite players, ie: Bork and Honzu. With them spikes are more super, the best proof of this may be the fact that when he sat on the beam off one of them flew like a fool on the hill, clenched fingers crossed, and then either be happy or sad I was. The correct response, which was already thought to oduczyłam. After 15 minutes talking to our two Borek yet joined, his dad, and later Tonda no longer the whole team was standing by a cherry bus. We had to take a photo of this common, performance offered dad hahah Bork, of course, it was also a lot of fun because you had a problem with Sedlak button is pressed, the first two pics did not come out and everyone had to be set again: D. This time the pic has already left, but cut off Honzu and it certainly could not have ...

already forgave the common stock and came up with that, since there are only missing Honzík should have a still picture with him and so it happened.

Additionally as a bonus: D has gone and shot from Honzou Borek ie me and my tion, tion Skokana :)))) parade. I was mega happy, because the photos came out very nicely. The boys suggested that I even rode with them for dinner, but I already felt so bad that I dreamed only of the bed and hot tea with lemon. We said goodbye, and so I told them ok, see you somewhere in Zakopane, all with one voice improved me that neeeee "Angel vidíme se v Lbc on the MDGs" hahah Oh yes, as usual, I forgot that I go to the MDGs at the end of September. I replied that I am not yet sure whether I will go there, but Honza said eee without you do not jump: D hahah well unless I have no choice.

Continental Cup Wisla neměl chybu simply, I could not believe it would be so cool. Awfully glad that I went there and found out that the Czechs are super and I really like it.
Well, my Czech is not so tragic ;)))). Good proposals :)))).
Sticking power vám děkuju, jste nejlepší!!
Hahaha still something I must mention, the biggest sensation in the Vistula did my bag with the Czech flag ... but not here in total wonder, yet it is beautiful.
After the Czechs had left for me was all over, with the girls for a while postałyśmy with cameras, we did a few pics and no we met on the bus. Along the way, we met no Heya gay and forest sprites, D. Forest elves were weird ... those outfits and this behavior OMG ... Mars Attacks!!
Bus and arrived just at that moment hit me like, 'I'm sorry "to the end ... the end of the meeting with the Czech Republic, the end of your stay in this wonderful place. Ahh, I admit that I do not like goodbyes, especially if somewhere I feel so good as there. It is a pity that what passes as quickly cool, ((. Once we arrived at the center, I will not speak, that was my fault przejechałyśmy one stop too far away (and a stop on the Vistula River is about 4 km, D) and had to catch bus in the opposite direction, but as we were already on the street: Olympic stawiłyśmy still on the pizza. Was extremely high;) n and tasty. Then it's just spending time in the apartment ... evening the girl went to the disco and I shower and to bed the next day somehow I may as unfit for driving.
Well then summing up the Vistula spent four wonderful days in a fantastic apartment in good company, participated in the concert "Feel" so great I played with the Czech Republic. Birthdays are among the best in my life.
now getting ready to have fun in the Czech championship, but my first goal is to completely be cured, because the disease, which is przyplątała is a strange and I'm weakened.

Undoubtedly it was for me the Czech trip.
Srdečně zdravím

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sql Server Sicherung Konvertieren

Wisla, Wisla Wisła ahh \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 den 3rd

Saturday morning it's like for Encompassing me to itself. In my head I was still a Friday meeting with the Czech Republic (ahhh long as I remember them: D), I learned that beer man feels much worse than other alcohols. A warm shower helped me and I felt pretty fit. After hearing a few songs of Michael with the girls we went to downtown, shopping, and early dinner, that was it.
I should note that in the Vistula serve very good food ... cod is first class.
I missed there, just a nice clothing store, in this regard will, however, Zakopane, but this argument only supports the Terminate jinak will Vistula.
After returning to the apartment, and we went przebrałyśmy on the hill ... I say I love the rustic buses ahh wonderful ride, but at least this time you stopped the driver at the same object jump :))). Once we arrived I looked hehe Czech team was already there, and more just arrived. I gave Borkowo accreditation for his dad, and everyone greeted me with a big smile on his face. Ohhh, so that each team was so nice it would be jumping the world more beautiful: D.
Together with several other people went to the top to locate a no catering and of course I had to show off what else otherwise ... we talked about the concert, "Feel", which was scheduled immediately after the contest. Someone suggested that we do not have access to the concert and I said out loud "heeeeej as we do not have access to FEEL" ... we all started laughing and told me to turn around ... ahh for me was the vocalist of that group Piotr Kupicha with a big smile on face hehehe OMG I just looked and he said 'Good morning' it was fun hehehe.
Sam contest started for me and for the Czechs rather badly ill Mazda jumped very short and it was clear that no points will not.

Well, nothing much is shown and also Tonda EDT, who advanced to the second series.
After the training I received from another trainer Czechs such a card, which allowed me to get on the rostrum coaching :))), hehe I took Luka (as I am a good friend) and drove to the top lift. I must admit that it was an amazing experience see how you centered over the threshold of coming out with your favorite jumpers ie (Honza, Borek, and Cuba). Woow ... but I was happy when I heard how many jumped Honzík - 120.5 m was the result of the first six series. We laughed later that I bring them luck, because for every contest, where I'm jumping very well (remember COC 09 in Zakopane :)))))). Unfortunately, the second series was not as successful, but all three got the coolest and most important points. 10 was Jandys, 13 - Maturýn, and 19 - Borek :)))).

After decorating the top three on the podium they were alone Poles: Bachleda, Malysz, and Rutkowski, arranged to Janek for kilkunasto minute call:))) but it was nice ... when he started the concert Honza said hehe good guitarists but we (me and him) are better. I had to go to dinner with them, but chose the concert "Feel" błahahah I could not let it go: D. Also said goodbye to everyone and with the girls we headed toward the scene: D ...

The concert is an hour wydurniania in some patients with dances and "beautiful" singing: D ...
Hahahaha fantastic ... I'm proud of myself that, every day I do not listen to music so shallow where brylują text "... It is already dark matter "OMG.

were very few people, and this is probably the best proof that the fashion for "Feel" is gone.
After the concert we had to somehow get to the apartment hahaha but how to do it, since it was situated about 7 km from the hill ... hmmm we therefore stop bus stop praying for it to a bus arrived ... Bohudík arrived, we got the "Alcatrasem" where I invited all of my birthday beer. It was very nice ... two hours flew by very fast alcohol and chips: D ... Greetings to you from fries: D In the pub were also at the forefront of Czech trainers with Radek, James was also no and the other James, who is Czech, but with the Czech team currently has little in common:.
I love this man, díky for a cigarety pivo: D
drove a taxi to the apartment ... I stayed, because even then I did not feel the best, while the rest of the team went to "Gołębiewski" at the disco.
My evening with the PC was cool I talked to chat with JCC, if the JCC is who they say they'll tell myself I talked to MJ omg \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3

Ok. so much of Saturday, Sunday ... tomorrow :))))

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Keloid Removal In Dallas

"This is it - the trailer.

There is something about which I write today, the MTV award ceremony held presented on Sunday trailer for the movie "This Is It," which will premiere 28th October 2009. This is a record of the last trial of Michael Jackson to concerts from the tour, "This is it." They look like Michael looks fantastic here, pay attention to his voice and, above all, dance. Simply Amazing ... only the king as he can. Normally I can not wait this movie and probably watch it many, many times. This will be an amazing thing ....
trailer below.

Is Using Whippets Bad For Your Lungs

Wisla, Wisla Wisła ahh \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 den 1 and 2:) I'm starting to gather

Yesterday I returned home ... as opposed to Zakopane, unfortunately I have to write :((((((. Wisla went back (because that's where I was) a wonderful, picturesque town situated on the southern Polish right, near the border with my Czech \u0026lt;3 Earlier Wisla
to remind me only of the city where he was born and lived the best jumper in history, ie Adam.
Thursday's trip was a two-step, Warsaw - Katowice and Katowice - Wisła. Hmm, somehow everything went surprisingly quickly and with a big smile on his face greeted convoluted streets of the Vistula. The city is really very beautiful ... you must praise the purity and the fact that locals are very nice. After passing through the center we were able to locate our apartment ... a little that we are przespacerowały, but it's what does not kill us, we will strengthen it as a great friend of mine says B.
apartment just fantastic, a large upscale nothing more to add ... Billiards gym, barbecue, satellite, etc., etc, although once I had the nose and I found a cool place.
After the initial unpacking and checking the mail box we went się na zapoznawczą procházku oraz pierwszy ciepły posiłek :). Pizza była bardzo smaczna i chłopak, który ją przygotowywał heheh też całkiem całkiem :)))0. Centrum podobnie jak i obrzeża bardzo mnie zafascynowały… jedyny minus tej miejscowości to fakt iż wszędzie jest dość daleko… a komunikacja miejska no cóż nie należy do najlepiej rozwiniętych… dodatkowo przymus kupna biletu u kierowcy pojazdu oraz to, że za przejechanie zaledwie 2 km musisz płacić ok. 3,90 no i o częstotliwości kursowania autobusów już nie wspominam. Jednak z tym naprawdę można sobie jakoś poradzić, nie przyjeżdża objazdówki there for outdoor walks but hehe: P. Wieczorek
rozegrałyśmy few games of pool, of course, I will not be told who has won everything: D hahah poor girls: D obejrzałyśmy all the most sexy music videos by Michael Jackson and drank beers and quickly breezery Sup, Sup to bed :))).

Friday is for me the best day. Morning receiving accreditation (I, unlike others I did not have the slightest problem), and a quick shopping trip to the hills ..
object itself I really like these little stands but does not look too inviting aha, and lack of houses for players (but apparently on this all the time is still running).
When we reached the hill they were already haha \u200b\u200ball the players except the team which always have the longest wait = Czechs: D, but that is already used to it. It took about 30 minutes, and drove to the parking lot of cherry red bus "Dukla Liberec" I stood myself in quite some distance away to look at what eventually came up. Extremely happy when I get off one after another began to Honza, Borek, Jandys, Cesta and Tonda, there was only a Mazda but as it turned out because it was in the hotel is ill. The whole training stopped at a house where their belongings were Norwegians and Austrians min hahah and why I was standing there? hmmm because this is where the most interesting was that day .. you could have a laugh with "Heya Norge" or, if you will, "Heya gay 'hahahah, just blew me its a religion of love in relation to a dozen passers-by the jumpers: D ... that girl must have a big heart normally Respect: D.
As for the Czechs are also pretty tired after their predominantly Bork, but he, as usual, at the level of any situation wybrnie
Between sets I went for a moment outside the facility met all the Czechs back sitting on the curb hehe somehow I did not want there to be approached, but the S came out very differently and had no exit ... but maybe a good thing. Arranged to flow around the guys on my birthday (which, incidentally, coming soon) and at 20.00 I had to appear in "Alcatras'. Jumping the Czechs in the training were very good, especially cheered me upward trend in Honzík so long waiting for his best jumps :)))).

Uhu all the time where I was and what I did not do songs with me Michael ... sorry girls, that you so tired, but I hope that the dostrzegłyście Mike depth music ... songs accompanying the visit was "Billie Jean" haha \u200b\u200bI think everybody already knows this song by heart: D.

series analyzed the results of training, once more teamed up with Borek apropos of the meeting (hmm thank some girls that we recorded their rozmowę na kamerę poproszę o ten filmik chętnie obejrzę :O) .. i trzeba było się zbierać…prosto ze skoczni udałam się do tego pubu. Byłam tam punkt 20.00 na wejściu spotkałam uradowanego Radka hahaha…. Chwilkę później weszli Borek i Tonda… Jandys niestety musiał jechać do domu (jako, że mieszka bardzo blisko) a Česta i Mazda byli chorzy… po 10 min przyszedł jeszcze Janek, także wszyscy moi ulubieni skoczkowie byli heheh :D. Zamówiliśmy piwo, wino i zaczęliśmy kilkugodzinną rozmowę.. hehe zdążyliśmy przelecieć chyba każdy temat począwszy ode mnie, heji geji i jump: D. Needless to write, that was just fantastic. It is logical, in my case. Thank you very much guys for the fact that no future in general for everything :))))). Thus ended the second day in the Vistula River on two consecutive write tomorrow.

I Love You guys :)))) king and love You.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Upload There Homemade

.... come back ... ilym.

At the beginning I wanted to thank everyone for their support and kind words to me after reading skierowaliście my last post ... all comments, messages on facebook and text messages much to me and I'm sure in some way help me to grasp and pick up. I love you and I do not know what I'd do without you did :)))).
As for my status, I feel better already but I'm not the same twisted Aničkou smiling and I do not know yet whether this will ever again ... some terrible event changed me ...
Next upozornily am confirmed in the belief that the world is many bad and hypocritical people who care only for money ... but I can not charge it so important such that I am not and have never let myself be so.

Hmmm I have to write that Michael Jackson fans are great people, they are so nice, friendly and positive .... As my friend said ... Not everyone can listen to the music of Michael, not everyone is capable of this music and this message to understand. Now I know that she was right ... every song is a message for the king's men, for the world. I learned to read these messages ... and I am therefore very happy. Each of the fan is someone special, I am not surprised that Mr Jackson so much he loves his fans.
As for the Michael ... it's probably starting to believe that he actually goes on living ... maybe it's silly, but I feel that something is behind it ... there are more and more new evidence (photos, video, encrypted messages, etc., etc. ) also remains
wait ... Had he lived, it would be something fantastic ......

I decided that I was going to the river, leaving on Thursday. Is going to be a very nice part of the Czechs, as is confirmed what I wrote Borek Honza and they both appear in the Vistula ... I am glad also is very probable that the arrival and a small Mazda Jandysa :)))). Hmm I do not know how it will, but certainly I'm much more focused than before he leaves before his departure to Zakopane. May the weather was ...

In these difficult moments for me, I am accompanied by MJ beautiful song called "Cry", I think I really helps. I always liked her, but now I've discovered the magic contained therein.

Somebody shakes When the wind blows
Somebody's missing a friend, hold on
Somebody's lacking a hero
And they have not a clue
When it's all gonna end

Stories buried and untold
Someone is hiding the truth, hold on
When will this mystery unfold
And will the sun ever shine
In the blind man's eyes when he cries?

You can change the world
(I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky
(Gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one
(I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
If we all cry at the same time tonight

People laugh when they're feelin' sad
Someone is taking a life, hold on
Respect to believe in your dreams
Tell me where were you
When your children cried last night?

Faces fill with madness
Miracles unheard of, hold on
Faith is found in the winds
All we have to do is reach for the truth

You can change the world
(I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky
(It's gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one
(I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
If we all cry at the same time tonight

And when that flag blows
There'll be no more wars
And when all calls
I will answer all your prayers, prayers
Show the world

You can change the world
(I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky
(Gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one
(I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
All cry at same time tonight

You can change the world
(I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky
(Gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one
(I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
All cry at same time tonight

You can change the world
(I can not do it by myself)
You can touch the sky
(Gonna take somebody's help)
they're the chosen
(I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
All cry at same time tonight

All cry at same time tonight
All cry at same time tonight
Change The World

Someone shakes, When the wind blows

Anyone longing for a friend and stay
Someone is missing a hero
And nobody has a clue
When will it end

forgotten and unspoken stories
Someone is hiding the truth, hold
When solve this mystery
[And if the sun ever
reflected in the eyes of the blind man, when you cry?]

You can change the world
(Sam that I do not do)
You can touch the sky
(Someone has to help me)
You're the chosen
(I need a sign)
Zapłaczmy all at the same time, tonight

People laugh, but are sad
[Someone dies, hold on ]
Appreciate the faith in dreams
And tell me, where have you been
When your children cried last night?

Faces filled rage
Miracles do not happen, hold
faith in wind find
All you have to do is find out the truth

You can change the world
(Sam that I do not do)
You can touch the sky
(Someone has to help me)
You're the chosen
(I need a sign)
Zapłaczmy all at the same time, tonight

And when you hang this flag
There will be no more wars If
scream together
Listen to all your prayers, prayers
Show the world!

You can change the world
(Sam that I do not do)
You can touch the sky
(Someone has to help me)
You're the chosen
(I need a sign)
Zapłaczmy all at the same time, tonight

You can change the world
(I do not do this alone)
You can touch the sky
(Someone has to help me)
You're the chosen
(I need a sign)
Zapłaczmy all at the same time, tonight

You can change the world
(Sam that I do not do)
You can touch the sky
(Someone has to help me)
You're the chosen
(I need a sign)
Zapłaczmy all , at the same time, tonight

All zapłaczmy, at the same time, tonight
All zapłaczmy, at the same time, tonight
Change the world

Only you You can pull me out of depression ....

MJ - Thank You: *.