approaching warm period, so more often than in the winter who arranged the trips to the forest. These, however, would not have its charm if not accompanied by appropriate music and a specified quantity of the brewery. Yeah, still have not grown up with and I think so I will have to zdechnięcia hehe, but every time I come harder to find places niezdewastowanych by a variety of trash, which strongly deportation odpierdalają death (yesterday after returning from "First floating Zakrzowek ton of pets, and EPS of hair pulled out.) Although I am surprised how you can shit yourself to eat (this metaphorical analogy), so a lecture on environmental protection gave I will not. I just feel the need from time to time between the verses throw in a few words about what makes me pissed off at the zjebanym society, expanding faster than the fungus on piździe in Gypsy. Besides, quoting George Carlin: "The planet is fine. The people are fucked!"
Returning to the theme, "which in addition to the brewery to the woods to take" - no whore. Map compass, matches (once on the kind of curiosity which was Duskforest a guide "how to burn the church", where you can easily deduce how to kindle a fire. To build the church and bring the problem to be dissolved before the task). In addition, to take a mp3jkę, or how someone is sentimentalist, a łolkmena - and se dig the tape a few nice rollers. Tile German Fornost is ideally suited for contemplation at the grille brewery, or bottle of water in the right place in nature (or someone else's womb). In my opinion rozkuwia (it) much better than the peasants from Tarnowski Gory, although each real proud Pole negate the benefits my words before hearing this CD. She even some re-release the album, with improved sound and two additional pieces, but here I put the original version. I recommend what they want for a bit of "ambient" black metal (another stupid concept, but no, however, reflects the essence of this music, so what I endeavored to erudition and sophisticated vocabulary.)
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