Demo Leviathan (the 'best known') in 1998. Originally released on cassette, then on CD-r in the number of 66 units. I think that this solution does not need to adjust more, because the thing is rather well known. If someone had fun - music Leviathan later (as well as side projectu - Lurker of Chalice), I likened somewhat to Xasthur, demos and less nail, but the claws are sharper. The activities of 'team' has been temporarily suspended, as was Wrest recently been arrested for the brutal beating and rape (with colic to tattoo) on his girlfriend, which in the short term rather would prevent him from recording albums, hehe. Anyway, after all this started empetrójek mass removal (or rather off skroblingu, or whatever it is that is called), because no one wants to admit that majciarza listens. Me there but other people's problems premarital care as much as last year's snow, so the music Leviathan is still happy to reach the like. I think a few years back with the cumulative Whitehead, depression, enlarged the diameter of the anus and new ideas of music. And that demo is przewykurwiste and nothing will change that.
first Fairy Tale for the Righteous
second Black Fire Serenity
third Light's Last Cry / End Time
4th Shadow Holocaust
5th The Moon Shown Plague on Our Victorious
6th Force the Hand of Evilution
7th Awakened by Fire Coldest
8th End Time II
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