Manowar arouses extreme feelings so that as many I decided to make a joke and everyone put their ancient demo. Kind of fun to listen to the beers, but whenever I run each of their pieces before your eyes is to me (tfu. .. can instead of "take me" would be more relevant "appeared"?) Vision napakowanych babskich guys in thong, dosiadających purple box, and your hands instead of swords jess wielding sausage. The solemnity of their songs you can recognize that they seek a confrontation with a menacing dragon, which had previously pulled the dash, spierdoliłby the attack, with laughter at the very sight of them. Instead of a mere pierdolniętej princess, the tower is located ten sześciopaków beer "Moose", or some other respectable brands ...
A completely different: they are in general probably did not like Immortal. Well - no wonder. If to have a monopoly on making visual padaki and nothing from this ...
Okay, poużywałem yourself to classic, old-school disliked kataniarzom and in general I have fucked like a Jew in 1943. The blame on alcohol, please knock. Oops ... Again a word inadequate to calculate Manowar. Dump.
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