Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grapefruit And Rabbits

Nordlys [Ger] - Follow Northern Lights [1995]

Formed 1994 in Germany and took off with two demos. Four years later he changed the sign, and he also recorded one EP, in 2008 to return back to the old name. The music is not what a lot of writing, because all the black metal bands Swabian 90s sounded very similar. Burzum zaśmierdzi something, something popierdzi and overlooks a pretty good demo. Well, Nordlys in total, it is quite enjoyable, if someone does not deter middle-class sound.



Human Body Sensing Circuit

Summary of the season

Once upon a time I was not here but it's ..
collect just the summary of the 2010/2011 season
and assess the attitudes of foreign players in the BBL this season who trefili to our league and are pierwszoroczniakami
to see you soon

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Edit Flip Without Fade

plague [Ger] - Black Visions [1998]

already placed the Swedish and Finnish Pest, now came the German, who is also worthy of attention. Hilter come from the village (yes, a bad read at the beginning and I was wondering what kind of a mainstay of Nazism), and there since 1997. Below to download the first demo, sounding quite raw, but also melancholy. Subject pretty trite, but the plague and death issues are catchy, so why not.
with your dedication I have. -->-->--


[DOWNLOAD @ sendspace]


[DOWNLOAD @ megaupload]

Monday, May 23, 2011

Why Men Grow Pinky Nails

Fornost [Ger] - The Wind Has Told Me is a song [2003]

approaching warm period, so more often than in the winter who arranged the trips to the forest. These, however, would not have its charm if not accompanied by appropriate music and a specified quantity of the brewery. Yeah, still have not grown up with and I think so I will have to zdechnięcia hehe, but every time I come harder to find places niezdewastowanych by a variety of trash, which strongly deportation odpierdalają death (yesterday after returning from "First floating Zakrzowek ton of pets, and EPS of hair pulled out.) Although I am surprised how you can shit yourself to eat (this metaphorical analogy), so a lecture on environmental protection gave I will not. I just feel the need from time to time between the verses throw in a few words about what makes me pissed off at the zjebanym society, expanding faster than the fungus on piździe in Gypsy. Besides, quoting George Carlin: "The planet is fine. The people are fucked!"
Returning to the theme, "which in addition to the brewery to the woods to take" - no whore. Map compass, matches (once on the kind of curiosity which was Duskforest a guide "how to burn the church", where you can easily deduce how to kindle a fire. To build the church and bring the problem to be dissolved before the task). In addition, to take a mp3jkę, or how someone is sentimentalist, a łolkmena - and se dig the tape a few nice rollers. Tile German Fornost is ideally suited for contemplation at the grille brewery, or bottle of water in the right place in nature (or someone else's womb). In my opinion rozkuwia (it) much better than the peasants from Tarnowski Gory, although each real proud Pole negate the benefits my words before hearing this CD. She even some re-release the album, with improved sound and two additional pieces, but here I put the original version. I recommend what they want for a bit of "ambient" black metal (another stupid concept, but no, however, reflects the essence of this music, so what I endeavored to erudition and sophisticated vocabulary.)


[DOWNLOAD @ sendspace]


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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Impotent Masterbation

Lord occultus [Mex] - Rehearsal [1993]

team from Mexico. Formed under the name of Lord Diabolicus and recorded two demos, which later resumed under the new banner also debilnym Occultus Lord. Cienizna general - not specifically catchy black metal ślimaczych tempos, causing the whole touches places of doom. In any event, the relic, so I put with a view to collectors.

2.THE Ancestral DOMAINS OF SATAN'S Throne


How To Use A Prolapse Belt

Satanicum Tenebrae [Fra] - Voices of the Dark Call Me to Suffer [1994]

thing is definitely not for everyone, but I will say honestly that I even like it. Chaotic dark ambient performance junkie known mainly Meyhna'cha with Mütiilation + some demented voices airs backwards. Tenebrae Satanicum belonged to the movement of Les Legions Noires and the level does not stick out too much, but you can enjoy listening to ... Ahem ... of that music. In the background there pianinko plumka chillout tune, he tears Mayhna'ch snout, to some creaks and cracks tortures the ears. The climate is similar bit at Moëvöt. Who likes these experiments, you can try. Strongly disturbing sounds. There is no division between songs - it lasts 25 minutes.


Friday, May 20, 2011

How To Teething Gums Look

Leviathan [U.S.] - Time End [1998]

Demo Leviathan (the 'best known') in 1998. Originally released on cassette, then on CD-r in the number of 66 units. I think that this solution does not need to adjust more, because the thing is rather well known. If someone had fun - music Leviathan later (as well as side projectu - Lurker of Chalice), I likened somewhat to Xasthur, demos and less nail, but the claws are sharper. The activities of 'team' has been temporarily suspended, as was Wrest recently been arrested for the brutal beating and rape (with colic to tattoo) on his girlfriend, which in the short term rather would prevent him from recording albums, hehe. Anyway, after all this started empetrójek mass removal (or rather off skroblingu, or whatever it is that is called), because no one wants to admit that majciarza listens. Me there but other people's problems premarital care as much as last year's snow, so the music Leviathan is still happy to reach the like. I think a few years back with the cumulative Whitehead, depression, enlarged the diameter of the anus and new ideas of music. And that demo is przewykurwiste and nothing will change that.

first Fairy Tale for the Righteous
second Black Fire Serenity
third Light's Last Cry / End Time
4th Shadow Holocaust
5th The Moon Shown Plague on Our Victorious
6th Force the Hand of Evilution
7th Awakened by Fire Coldest
8th End Time II


Edmonton People Who Clean Dogs Teeth

Nargaroth [Ger] - Orke [1998]

Instrumental (excluding the intro) Nargaroth demo, which was released in March 1998. Sam Kanwulf claimed that was recorded in 1991, which I think is total nonsense and one of the many half-truths of the fabulist, even considering the fact that Nargaroth formed, as far as I can somehow around 1997 (and not in 1989 as many argue ... but I have no doubt that Ash something before he could dig himself in music). No, but I do not want to go there, someone that knows everything and seen everything, because it is not - so silent about certain issues. I refer the interested One Party to discloses that typka hypocrisy. Now to be honest I've done it all hangs, who did what and said what jersey he wore the day after the Confirmation and whether it gives grandmothers place in tram.
Looking at the musical side of Nargaroth, it's always appreciated in a beautiful way to copy Burzum (though Kanwulf Varga said that he knew personally, so it strongly denies there, but I do not know). :-) For the selection of cover songs on "Black Metal Ist Krieg" also had a head, even though all this intensification of the truth of the granting interviews or demonstrations his hatred of 'false' had more than one stool popuszczeniem result. Maybe that much dirt in this music, um ...

2.Det Lys I Livet Willy Aldri
4.Getragen Von Valkyren
5.Nag Ur Sol
6.Escape Through the Gates to the Stars
8.Auf Dem Grunde Des Sees Ruhend

[DOWNLOAD @ sendspace]


[DOWNLOAD @ MegaUpload]

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Error Message On Kidde Co2

Fulgurum [Pol] - W Cieniu smierci [2011]

Fulgurum origins date back to 2007, when some decided to tell the world Krignord part of themselves through music. Their debut album was released only in March this year, thanks to the Eastside. Put, because the material has already leaked, and so to the network, so who will want to purchase, acquire it, and whoever wants to download it, and so would have no problem with that. I figured it's worth, however, this solution presented in this site it keeps a very good level and probably not many people have had the pleasure to know Fulgurum so far. Musically, I hear a bit of the old Forgotten Tomb and similar bands. So as you might imagine is quite grim. Sounds very refined material, as well as the compositions themselves. Worth checking out.



Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tattoos For Female Genatalia

Amestigon [Aut] - Through the Ages We Preserve [1995]

team from Austria, supported by musicians Abigor, so you can capture clear, music room (u) rewieństwo between these two creatures. Amestigon recorded some demos, EPs and splits over the years 1994-2002 and then zamilknął for eight years, in 2010 dowalić full disc (which has not yet heard). Who Abigor music fits, it should appreciate the formation and OWA.


[DOWNLOAD @ sendspace]


[DOWNLOAD @ MegaUpload]

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Compering For Symposium

Furze [Nor] - Zaredoo [1998]

Furze is a curious freak of nature - a rather strange and difficult access to the music creates. Woe J. Reaper must be an alternative that would normally poops amber. In any case, put a demo tape in 1998, at the request of someone with Pabienic. What's not to say cool thing it is - slow tempo, the vocals of an ass (a total of suit - "Furze" in German means fucking), but not without some kind of psychedelic. For this rock'n'roll przytupu it was a little bit here, including a cover of Black Sabbath. In my opinion, does not hurt to know.



Umbilical Hernia And Distended Stomach

Interview With Torey Thomas for

invite you to interview of the regular season MVP TBL

led him not long ago:)

first Hi Torey. At the beginning of congratulations from our editorial board for the regular season MVP award PLK and in a great performance in the match number 2 in the present day finals. Is the end of the season, you could say about the differences between the Dutch league (he played there at one time an ex player of Silesia - Dean Oliver), and Polish? Which one do you think we can say with a higher level?

difference primarily is that in Holland there are no limits to the players. It can play any number of Americans and does not need to be two Dutch-round match on the dance floor. That league is flush and has some pretty passable teams. Seeing opinions in Poland, rather that PLK is stronger, but I do not think so. Both in one and the other league can find better and worse team, and their level is similar.

second Which team in the TBL - Asseco Prokom outside - you seemed to be the toughest opponent?

All of them are causing difficulties during the competition. There was a match in which we would not have struggled to win or lose. In the Polish league is very balanced level this season ..

third Could you point out a few players who have done great on you impression during the confrontation?

I think that every team the league has a few good players in their ranks, and each of them, which will contribute to the victory deserves a mention!

4th Most players come from overseas to the Polish one season to acclimatize, and possibly promote. Do you think that is right for you PLK springboard to a better league - a dream team? Or maybe you do not look further into the future by focusing on the finals?

Definitely, I focus on present the finals! After the season, examine their options and will try for the best choice for themselves. So far I like the adventure with the Polish.

5th If you follow the NBA game is tell us whom you support, what a player podpatrujemy, and where you see the surprises?

My favorite team is the Chicago Bulls, and the real revelation is playing amazing basketball, Memphis Grizzlies. Kibucuję and podpatrujemy Derrick Rose, Kevin Durant, Zach Randolph, LeBron James, Tony Allen and Joe Johnson.

6th How do you like in Zgorzelec, and what are your feelings about living with us? You've come now to your favorite Polish dish ;-)?

really like turn-based fans and I like their cheering during matches, I live in Zgorzelec well, even though it is a small town. Enjoy your soups and pancakes ;)

7th How is your adventure started with basketball? How old were you when you started to throw into the trash, and who can become your role model?

I started playing basketball at age 9, and Due to the fact that I always saw the striker toward the lower players like Kevin Johnson and Tim Hardaway. It is they who most impressing me as a young man.

8th What are your holiday plans and how they usually spend?

usually working on my form, spending time with his foundation, the New York Athletic Club Blaze. This is the kind of program for young basketball players between 8 and 19 years of age.

9th Four players dream to play as partners Torey'a Thomas it ..

Shaquille O'Neal, Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and Charles Barkley.

10th What other sports are growing and are tracking?

I like playing football and watching it. In addition, watching boxing and baseball.

11th If your current club you wish to submit a proposal for the new season ..

Definitely I will take that into consideration and examine the possibility of turn-based games.

12th What TT do in your spare time?

Updating your Web page , working on a project of New York Blaze, as well as talking with friends and family on the Internet.

Thank you for this interview and wish you a gold ;-)

* copy the interview or in part without permission of authors is prohibited.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Percocet How To Have A Bowel Movement

Behexen [Fin] - Blessed Be the Darkness [1997]

Demo Finns located blasphemous three compositions. Przypieprzyli full swing, as it is in the habit of Behexen. Remarkable thing.

2.THE FLAMES OF THE Blasphemer


Dinli 150cc Atv Transmission Gears

Hordagaard [Nor] - Christian Death [1999]

One of the first demos of the 63 trillion Norwegian Hordagaard. This is in itself a note of the magic and mystery ... but this is over, because after the drums and shrieks, in principle, can not hear anything here. Ildjarn've even had so fucked production ... Well. Maybe someone will try to find some value in this historical, educational or fuck knows what. Oh, that was funny, it is a rip spierdolony and lets tops a half-second intervals.

1.NO MORE Christianity


What Is The Rarest Littlest Pet Shop Ever

Abigor [ Aut] - Moonrise [1994]

Well, almost everything is back to normal this niedojebanym blogger, so throwing up again and by copying itself ... Early demo
Austrians. Badziewna sound quality, but it houses a very nice piece, namely the "Universe of Black Divine", only that in such a performance. Overall, the beginnings Abigor (time demos) was average, but quickly developed wings. Who has not heard of such a "Nachthymnen" should catch up as quickly as possible.


[DOWNLOAD @ sendspace]


[DOWNLOAD @ MegaUpload]

Does Zepose 10 Have The Same Properties As Valium

Moon Blood [Ger] - The Winter Falls Over the Land [1995]

Moonblood by its short existence of a whole plethora wysrał demosów and rehów, odziwo prezętujących pretty good level. Playing was not complicated, but it gets my tastes perfectly. Several demos have already published these - now it's time for another, "The Winter Falls Over The Land" in 1995. Less than half an hour of dirty black metal venom spitting in the face, sulfur and solidified curd sauce. I do not know who likes what, but from one I recommend. I think that if only the sound quality was slightly better, much more people doceniłoby this material.



How To Register A Homemade In Texas

Taake [Nor] - Koldbrann I Jesu Marg [1996]

Very nice EP that this is highly regarded team from Bergen . I do not know the amount of what I could write - Norwegian playing those years has a very distinctive atmosphere and is not podjebania and Taake (which translated into Polish is fog) can be safely classified as the first division.

1.Blagt Solv Og Gull I Mørket

[DOWNLOAD @ MegaUpload]


[DOWNLOAD @ sendspace]

Public Masterbate In Public

Arkona [Pol] - Bogowie Zapomnienia [1994]

Uhuhuh. Blogspot is spierdolił, which some previous posts went to fuck. Well. Maybe later, throw again, if I encouraged. And flying on ... Demo
valued and probably known to you all Perzowa team, which Rather, I do not have to submit. Enjoy.

4.SZALEŃCZA chasing Shameless DELIGHT
6.NAJPROSTRZA WORRY deadly stalemate


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gastric Banding Surgery Covered By Ohip

Darkified [Swe] - Sleep Forever [1992]

Swedish team acting somehow over the years 1991-1995. Below a short ep of 1992 contains two very good songs and outro.



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Is Stuff In Fire Extinguisher Called?

Zero Kama [Aut] - Live in Amsterdam [1985]

Zero Kama is one of the older projects, practitioners of ritual dark ambient. Music was being done on homemade instruments, supposedly made from human skulls and gnatów. Performed live only twice - once in Amsterdam (just a recording of this concert you can download and listen below) and once in Arnheim. The whole concept is additionally marked by a symbolic, aimed at placing the listener in a dark, mystical world. I recommend to read the ichnią creativity.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Pagan Wedding Hairstyles

The Helheim Society [Nor] - Walpurgisnatt [1995]

As you can see on the cover above is written Helheim - but it is not "the more familiar" with the Bergen Helheim , concert after kindergarten, and other strange przybytkach, a team from Sarpsborg, using the unofficial name of Society The Helheim what signs to avoid conflict. Very cool demo in terms of composing, but the sound does not spoil ears.


[DOWNLOAD @ sendspace]


[DOWNLOAD @ MegaUpload]

Saturday, May 7, 2011

How To Replace Samsung Printer Drum

Spite Extreme Wing [Ita] - Demo [1999]

first demo Spite Extreme Wing - black metal band from Italy. Great stuff, you hear that men are familiar with the instruments. Total playing a little bit in the climate - say - SVARTSYN, that is catchy, but at the same time without the trash. Anyway, the horde consists of people affiliated with Hiems - and whoever heard of that make the solution, it knows that it is not anything. It should be familiar.



Monday, May 2, 2011

Where Sells Birthday Cake Candles Sparklers

Manowar [US] - Demo [1981]

Manowar arouses extreme feelings so that as many I decided to make a joke and everyone put their ancient demo. Kind of fun to listen to the beers, but whenever I run each of their pieces before your eyes is to me (tfu. .. can instead of "take me" would be more relevant "appeared"?) Vision napakowanych babskich guys in thong, dosiadających purple box, and your hands instead of swords jess wielding sausage. The solemnity of their songs you can recognize that they seek a confrontation with a menacing dragon, which had previously pulled the dash, spierdoliłby the attack, with laughter at the very sight of them. Instead of a mere pierdolniętej princess, the tower is located ten sześciopaków beer "Moose", or some other respectable brands ...
A completely different: they are in general probably did not like Immortal. Well - no wonder. If to have a monopoly on making visual padaki and nothing from this ...
Okay, poużywałem yourself to classic, old-school disliked kataniarzom and in general I have fucked like a Jew in 1943. The blame on alcohol, please knock. Oops ... Again a word inadequate to calculate Manowar. Dump.



Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why Can Dextromethorphan Not Be Taken With Mao I

One Republic concert

some eighteen months ago I promised myself that if the band One Republic arrive in Polish tudziez appear in any of the neighboring countries (I mean of course the Czech Republic and Slovakia:)) I will go to mandatory at their concert, whatever the ticket price. This team through their music helped me through some difficult moments in life. I will not conceal that songs like "All Fall Down" or the famous "Apologize" stretched me out of many a mental breakdown.
As it turned out long I did not have to wait for the fulfillment of one of the few of my dreams. After returning from a benefit performance of Adam himself wanting to make their tickets for the concert Zakopower accidentally came across information that the club "Stodola" 27 April will be a concert One Republic. I was a little surprised because it never before seen even the slightest mention of the concert. After close examination of the official schedule of concerts on the band's site, where he was information about the concert in Warsaw, but no definite place, and I believed I went to eventimu to purchase a ticket. When I held him in my hand I felt really calm and happy.
thus began the countdown days .... thanks be to God in a waiting period, there were several important events including a two-day conference or a scientific session devoted to close my heart to a person who for some time has a great impact on my life. Speech of late. Professor Janusz Kurtyce. From these sessions I carried a lot of important information they need to work on my project. In Krakow, I spent five days fantastcznych for which I thank above all Ewelina:).

Finally came the longed-27.04 Wednesday after work and lunch in a vegetarian Restaurant "Green Way", which I love along with my colleague Asia we went to the club "Stodola". As for this place, I must admit that so far I do not believe that such a band like One Republic, which the world at their concert brings together hundreds, thousands and perhaps millions of people playing taiej cubicle. With all due respect for the "Barn" I must say that this is not an exclusive club, which is able to accommodate even a thousand people. When I went into the measure was not a big crowd. In the first row from 1914 to 1915 years of raging fans. This was also once, well I remember how nice the old days, when it believed that the world belongs to me, that I can do anything. Amplify the sound of the floor and slowly filling the room with a picture I remembered the beginning of the concert. We stood relatively close so that it could take some pictures while at her feet feel the rhythm of the well-known songs. I wanted to hear live one of the songs of my life, "All Fall Down" and loudly sing "Apologize." As it later turned out to have been fulfilled only part of that dream tudziez assumptions. The band did not sing that song on so I waited .....:(. In the beginning was quite drętwo, three series of songs played and no any contact Ryan Tedder (soloist) with the audience. I was confused but unnecessarily ... the boys spin a minute per minute.

I forgot to add that the concert started with some about 30 minutes late, but what is the delay in the case of the team that waits for a few years. As I was able to ascertain During the concert gathered in the courtroom were about 500 people. In my mind the question arose whether the band One Republic concert was the smallest of the world ?....
After about 15 minutes, both on stage and among public departments had only pleasant things. Ryan's descent from the scene and direct contact with the first rows spurred people to sing. Hits such as "Secrets," "All The Right Moves," "Good Life" and, of course, "Apologize" at the forefront of everyone sang with me:). I will not hide that it is properly wczułam:).

These are called the moments in life that are long forgotten. Not at all so I have:). I really like the style of Ryan's first hat and tight-fitting T-shirt:) hmmm. It should also be noted, however, liquidity moves he has. It's everything that makes a concert the group is really not just something pleasant to the ear (assessing the scale of his voice just chapeau bas) but also for the eyes:)

event which was a little surprised by all the party on the stage was prepared for the boys and their manager. As it turned out concert in Warsaw was the last of the rich and long European tour. Champagne, confetti, and something makes me a little zniesmaczyło czipendejsi. Exactly four beefy men prężący his body against the guys from the team .... I do not know if it was established with members of one republic and was a surprise since the club's barn but to me it is not appealed. This type of performances I did not even shrug.
He was also a nice touch, which meant that the more I liked the team. A group of fans in the first place brought a lot of white - red flag. At one point Ryan came down and took her away. Initially, he danced with her and hugging her then to hang a flag on the drums, percussion.

concert ended after 22:00 and somehow, despite the fact The fans have been waiting on both encores and signing posters for the boys chose to celebrate. In total, hard to see why the other hand, remained unsatisfied particularly in the absence of the song "All Fall Down," but at least I have the motivation to go for another gig ONE REPUBLIC.
conclusion, this is still one of my favorite bands and I am very glad that I managed to be at their first concert in Poland:) and listen as Ryan said in Czech:). I do not know whether he actually has Czech roots and whether his family is originally from Prague, but his: Prosím and dobrou night I just broke down. Like the Polish thanks thanks:):).
Asya thanks very much for the pleasant company and an expectation of what you know: D. .. Brian \u0026lt;Ryan \u0026lt;BRIAN D .

And here is a song you did not play .... after returning home to let her go myself and it was full of happiness:).
