Karaoke here is really essential. Countless numbers of karaoke clubs, where, after paying the entrance, gets isolated room with snacks and drinks, in which you will - within the limits of auditory tolerance of your friends - singing all the songs.

Chinese ozcywiĆcie harder to sing, because they can not be read ... for now!

second tour buses, the recoiling karaoke clubs. In all that I saw was mounted a large monitor, and a few extra sides, to display the lyrics. For this set of microphones and speakers. And if all this were not enough, the whole bus dot the dozens of colored lights and various trinkets. Inside i. .. out! Also, as the music plays, people sing, the bus turns into a blinking at the disco, all colors:). Well, and yet I saw yesterday in addition to the karaoke set in a taxi! And not with a single microphone, but with two. For this set of several speakers, monitor, and a book with substantial list of songs to choose from.
When I sing songs in Chinese, it sounds all the time as "bra bra bra bra, unless you bring me to one of the words that I can read so far: a man, me, car, sky, yes, no, thank you , ask, output, input, sun, sunrise, mouth, eyes - but this is still a bit low. Now, for breakfast, then the lesson of the Chinese, then lunch and demonstrations of local arts. Instead of lunch, you probably come here to write something and put a few pictures, but I'm not at all hungry.
2008-04-16: added Polish stamps and pictures to text.
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