Sunday, August 5, 2007

Cervical Fluids Clear Jelly

Chinese language

Chinese language is a tonal language, meaning that the pitch when speaking of words is important. For example, the word 'no' can be terminated in 4 different ways, depending on whether the sound goes from low to high or from high to low, the word means, or mother or dog, or something else, also need be careful what they say:)

Learning Chinese, with my weekly experience is difficult for two main reasons. Firstly Tony, mentioned at the beginning, and secondly, because the number of characters that make up language. Characters that are most often it is about 4000 words to this, a combination - two signs written in one or two characters written next to each other, can mean something completely different. I can so far identified about 20 or 30 characters, but I know what they mean in English, but I do not know how to read Chinese. On the other hand I can say a few phrases in Chinese, but I have no idea how to save them. I can only save them in a special scheme, which is used to learn Chinese - most of which Taiwanese can not read.

2008-04-16: Polish stamps added to the text.


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