today held another "launch" the LHC and associated media event. This time, with less gusto than a year and a half ago, but no end how many times you can start to advertise? Anyway the event was significant, especially for us - physicists. A week earlier failed to disperse both the beam energy to 3.5 TeV per beam, and this morning two such bundles zderzono. Collision energy is how easy it is to count of 7 TeV, more than 3 times more than ever, and exactly half of what the LHC is planned. For now, at this energy The machine will operate and collect data over the next year-and a half. Then będąprzygotowania to move it with full energy, which will take probably at least a year.
In short, the experiments at the LHC today finally launched its program a good physical. Everyone (including me) rushed to the new data, hoping they will find there something interesting. Theoretically, the first chance for some new discovery will be rather soon after a month or more data collection - but in practice nothing is known. Such power has not yet been, so there may be surprises.
Some poor children physicists are also stretching to such events because their parents apparently did not suffice to teach your child the derivative of trigonometric functions at the age of 2.5 years ...
And I've been there ...

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