Sunday, December 19, 2010
Milena Velba And Nadine Jansen Swimming Pool
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Naughty America Megavedio
This weekend the French wake up from a dream of summer and winter ski season begins. In Val Thorens has the opportunity to promote - two-day ski passes, plus two nights in the apartment for 50 Euro a sudden. 10-seater small group of people willing to exploit this cheapness was quite fast and I am also joined. Originally nastawiałem not go skiing before Christmas but no such opportunity was a pity pass.
As you can see the terrible amount of snow there was, it was opened some 20% of the resort but whatever. We found a slope on which nasypało so much that could be a little off the route to go .. Moreover, the same route was closed in total. Thus was ously on it and not lodostrada like everywhere else, so rode pretty cool. Also wyszalałem a little by these two days would no, and now to 2011 :-)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I Have Had Chlamydia For A Year
Today and tomorrow I'm in Brussels, a two-day workshop devoted individuals. The second time in my life I visit this city, but all in all I will not specifically visited, because I'll be back soon, and besides, as you know - the city usually bore me.
Although I must admit that the buildings around the main square and impressed me ... kind of buildings such as buildings, but the Gothic town hall is really nice. Illuminated like toys in the office at night, more modern part of town too cool.
But I did not total it.
walk around town and watching the mighty buildings once I do not know which made me wonder how I have overcome the distance to the mountain excursions. In the sense: for example, how many blocks translates into a shift from the Pass Kasprowy Świnicką, or how much would Kościelec near the Palace of Culture.
Well this time I decided to check, at least in the context of the distance. Take for example Chochołowska Valley - never liked especially because the boring, dreary and drag on like wildfire. I like to walk through the valley translates to a distance of "urban"? So it is roughly 8km, namely:
- In Geneva, for example, corresponds to the output from CERN (gate B) and Meyrin spacerowaniu straight through to the bridge of Mt Blanc ...
- Or if you prefer the other way - to the ski lift in Crozet (well, it will be more 8.5 km)
- In Warsaw - you have to follow the example of Metro Golf Mokotowskie avenues up to the Metro Marymont, and even a little further . Piece, is not it?
with Kasprowy Świnica is the 2.4 km-flight bird - or as much as the Royal Castle Hotel Mariott (a flight bird).
little more is the Refuge du Gouter on Mt Blanc - in the range of 3.5 km ... (Vertical or the 1000m) ... but it goes like wildfire ... geometrically it is as if the inlet Strazyska Valley go in a straight line Giewont.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Watch Digital Playground Stream
6th Episode Error 13: "Always give backing laying $#%#"
Since I have temporarily available for both cars because of Karolinka Gosiak are in Poland, I do with them other outstanding orders. On daily temporarily changed to the small and large stands at CERN without tynego bumper - bumper is painted. Both of Gosiakiem odcisnęliśmy on it (literally) his mark, see, eg, here. Brush completely go past the goal, so I decided to airbrush the entire prysnąć corner - I already have some experience because I've done in this way one door and a mask (with varying degrees of success, but generally ok).
Well, I realized what a primer (I think). Zeszlifowałem sandpaper place where the bumper powyginał whether the paint had cracked off ... I gave backing to the plastic (such transparent something) .. and began cheerfully painted silver. And what it turned out? Places where he was underneath the old paint and the place where he was underneath the plastic came out quite differently. Not because the paint does not hide - I just think it was something with the texture of what the painting and the paint just looks different.
Even after several attempts, once again I sat down with sandpaper and tore what I paint, then painted the whole background. With the help of a brush.
So how then again I fought to the end of the paper is flush did not work out, but no longer had the strength to improve. It came out something like this:
As you can see I got to the old paint underneath, but at least the bare plastic (almost) does not protrude. After pryśnięciu color was not so bad:
next day he went lacquer, and then there were attempts to shine .. the total is no revelation, but it is certainly better than it was :
Friday, August 27, 2010
Edible Covering On Outside Of Salame ?
After a long break I went to a conference at the end of something. As a person in a supersymmetry unbelieving course I went to a conference here of that, and as a person with wild fart to travel around the world came to a conference ... Germany. Specifically to Bonn. To make it more fun, three years ago it was at the conference SUSY and also in Germany ... Well, it happens. Piece of the world will visit again :-)
It may loose some reflection:
the last week I have a new laptop and just check it in "battle conditions". Well, I must say that works great. Yesterday stood on the battery throughout the day, ie from 9:30 to 18:00, with breaks for lunch and coffee-break'i. Realistically probably 7 + hours non-stop work on wirelessie, with an open VNC to CERN and Opera. Bomba! A resolution of 1920x1080 at 13 'is to work top notch!
I found a hotel so you do not have to combine with public transport - ~ 20 minutes on foot to reach my university lectures where they are. Impression - pretty cool. Nice room, wireless works (three years ago in Karlsrhue was not internet in the room, unless ... Dial-up), good breakfast. The best breakfasts that I remember it was probably in Morocco, but it was a class by itself. Here, pretty cool.
What you can for 3 days with a bit of reach to do the impression of staying in the German city ...? You can refer to the stereotypes - sausages, giving the woman a beer Helga, the streets full of ugly German cars ... The car in total agree, the rest did not check. Interestingly, more than half as seen by me is Peugeot cabriolets. In general, full of convertibles, no but maybe I am now biased in this respect ... :-)
Conference organization
in total relax, but no revelations. I mean - everything works but the food on the coffee-breakach some poor (the same cookies every day), lunches you buy yourself. Wasted food at the canteen, at least for me. Well, but cool. This may at the end of the picture only what I did - a rainbow of Bonn, the view from the plane shortly before take-off:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
How To Put Oakley Visor On Lacrosse Helmet
It's time that you need to buy some small neat Gosiakowi autko to move around. Exactly at CERN supermarket someone beautiful 206CC staged in 2001 so we had a visual inspection and pretty soon we decided to purchase.
Toy car is not the youngest, with almost 130kkm course, but thanks to relatively cheap - a version of "full-grazing": two-tone leather upholstery, a 140-horsepower engine, and of course - the coupe-cabriolet with twadym roof. With this engine is a real rocket, but not much is how to check, because the car lives for now at CERN - you need to arrange insurance, new plates, etc.
And of course, wash, clean, change oil, etc. - but that's another story.
This may in the meantime some photos:
autko bought for winter tires with a set of summer tires on original wheels, but with zjechanymi tires. So I took no tires and now need to be addressed including:
Saturday, July 31, 2010
How To Play Age Of Empire 3 Without Cd
behind on the entries so that it will be brief. This summer I was able to choose two czterotysięczniki. First off Bishorn (4156m) - easy to mount, bed not far from but in a tent. We went with 6 people, we took two 3-person tents, but we came to the conclusion that the cold and get ourselves into all six to one. Very cold but it was not reversed on the other side it was necessary to command .. in five people would be optimal, but there is nothing to tell. Skatowałem approach a little bit but do not be surprised - it was actually my second trip to the mountains this year.

On the second trip in the high mountains in this year managed to take Wojtala, who came to visit us for a week with a piece. Contrary to initial fears caused by adverse weather, the weekend was very nice (forecast changed on Friday evening so we decided to go). And that was a very successful trip to Alphubel (4206m). For a change, we stayed in a hostel (probably called the hotel from what I remember), we got to train him as retired. But the ascent was very nice - too easy, but sometimes through a maze of cracks in the ice - something beautiful. Anyway, see for yourself in the picture below and to the rest of the pics HERE .
And most of all on film:
Friday, July 16, 2010
Yeast Infection Sheathe
At this year's music festival CERN Hardronic 2010 I was able to withdraw from the two teams that currently play. Early in the afternoon jump at the scene of Accent Absent , where I play the guitar. Premiere of a piece done with the vocals, the trio sang Ice Cream Man Van Halen'a. And after midnight we played with Miss Proper and the Moving Targets . Is it better than a year ago ? Evaluate yourself (On youtube, there are other pieces - look up!):
Accent Absent:
Miss Proper:
Sunday, July 11, 2010
What Does An Olive Paint Look Like In A Room

This weekend I took my mother visiting us on a tour in the Alps. One of the most scenic tours in the Chamonix valley, just across from the Mt Blanc. The highest place was Aiguillette des Houches, something around 2250m, the highest aczkowliek I do not think we got the tip.
I managed to delete his feet well, because a large part of the way I carried on nosiłkach Karolinka, but the wheel clearance was 900m ... and this is only my second trip to the mountains this season (the first was in the Jura). But all in all not worth talking about, you better look at the pictures. TU Gallery is .
Monday, May 10, 2010
Car Inside Parts Study
movie again intercede with the exit of the Aiguille du Midi, on youtube threw shorter version, but in better quality:
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
South Park With Fast Buffer
year's closure of the ski season took place one and a half weeks ago. This time we went up on the exit of the Aiguille du Midi (3800 m with a piece). I love it. I needed to take a day break because the last working day and night because I'm trying for a new position at CERN ...

Image above shows the route to the exit of the GPS, and the photos you see in the gallery Arka here. And I have to turn the movie for you:
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
How Many Times A Day Can You Put Abreva On?
Well, once again explore the world he left Gosiak - This time to Japan. Unfortunately, if agreed on the date of departure, none of us did not detect that - 1) it is Easter 2) nursery at CERN closed. Sometimes
:-) Also I took leave and sit with the babies at home (mostly), and at the end of the week if all goes well we'll go to the Polish Christmas. A week later, probably we will come back, and then return to Gosiak Polish pozałatwiać few things ... This little mess and in addition I am now in "panic mode" because the papers filed in mid-April to a new position at CERN ... in short, a dream was closed - until further notice. But nothing is :-)
24/7 South Park Strea
today held another "launch" the LHC and associated media event. This time, with less gusto than a year and a half ago, but no end how many times you can start to advertise? Anyway the event was significant, especially for us - physicists. A week earlier failed to disperse both the beam energy to 3.5 TeV per beam, and this morning two such bundles zderzono. Collision energy is how easy it is to count of 7 TeV, more than 3 times more than ever, and exactly half of what the LHC is planned. For now, at this energy The machine will operate and collect data over the next year-and a half. Then będąprzygotowania to move it with full energy, which will take probably at least a year.
In short, the experiments at the LHC today finally launched its program a good physical. Everyone (including me) rushed to the new data, hoping they will find there something interesting. Theoretically, the first chance for some new discovery will be rather soon after a month or more data collection - but in practice nothing is known. Such power has not yet been, so there may be surprises.
Some poor children physicists are also stretching to such events because their parents apparently did not suffice to teach your child the derivative of trigonometric functions at the age of 2.5 years ...
And I've been there ...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Annabel Chong Quek Pic
boast high time the movies from the February show my two teams - because it finally is.
Miss Proper and the Moving Targets
Accent Absent
Friday, March 12, 2010
How Much The Ceragem Bed
today I went to visit the annual Geneva Auto Salon. Last year it was and came back with a general feeling that the crisis in full - this was roughly the Festival Automobile ugly. This year I have to admit that it was better. In addition, Gosiak chose the day before and Gave more than 200 pictures so I felt relieved from the obligation to explore everything, and I went to see what interesting stand. Thanks to this I could forgive the boredom in an Audi or Volkswagenach, indeed koszmarki a new Skoda. Along the way, dropped out BMW but I gave advice, he was a Mercedes, but surprisingly there was not so bad.
So maybe we'll start from Mercedes. F800:

turns out that the Mercedes as he is able to make even quite nice and interesting-looking car, although a concept model, a bit futuristic, but a total success.

Next, after przebrnięciu by BMW, was a Peugeot. There, of course, another concept, that is, SR1. If it is to replace the current peugeotowskie mouths, then congratulations. Toy car visually breathtaking. Sure it will not produce but who knows - most recently in the PSA are getting bolder ideas, I myself, after Peugeot introduced the production model of CR, who also began his career as the concept. Moreover, it was a few pieces on display - even autko cool, although I must admit that the more I watch the throat 308-flour the more I begin to tire.
Another novelty in the Peugeot was a "5 by Peugeot", that is, in principle, the announcement of the model 508:

Here I have some mixed feelings again. I've been waiting for quite some time on what Peugeot will show instead of the 407th It turned out that the direct successor will not, will be 508 - positioned between a series of 400 and a series of 600th So it will replace the 607 for now. As a result, the car is long and probably will be expensive. Stylistically nice, but the knee does not throw, admit that secretly hoping for something nicer, in the direction of last year's concept HyMotion4, who happens to look amazing.
see how it will look like the production version, and yet remains for me again, Citroen C5.

little frog shot I came here because I was not like anyone to go back soon not entered into between the lens and the car and no such proportions here. But I got to the center of the control posts:
then as now was an opportunity, it also visited C6 standing next to - to look a little strange car, but in the middle - in accordance with the general opinion - incredibly comfortable. Unfortunately, the legendary comfort while driving is already not possible to check ...
And finally available now on sale DS-three - which I will leave autko in greater numbers on the streets will make all the owners of Mini bury our heads in shame in his garage with his car. Here's just introduced a variety of sporting 200-horsepower engine and a little color scheme odjechanym:
next position was the Volvo Citroen. From time to time it in my head coupe-cabriolet. 308CC is ok but a bit think but przymały ... recently I liked the Volvo C70. As for Volvo, even nice:

Only in the middle of blowing terribly boring, but oh well ...
Next we had to break through the Mazda, which is still trying to figure out how to look Peugeot had done a caricature of the manga ... although the Mazda 6 still is not that bad, but the rest is a prank.
was next in line for Alfa Romeo, which in turn is trying to actually take a step back. He has yet to offer a very cool 159:

meanwhile replaced quite a successful new Giuillettą 147, which, like the MiTo has a forward instead of something that resembles an insect very surprised, indeed rabbit. Who made this up - I do not know, but it seems that it decided brzydactwem shared among the entire range of cars. Too bad.

What else was interesting? Renault showed his coupe-cabriolet, called Wind, which is de facto Twingo CC - funny little autko, though some have "frog" shape. But all in all fun.
Renault in general showed a range of pure electric cars, with bizarre shapes and design - white, with accents mainly in blue and green ... joyful creativity. Most of them will be soon available for purchase, although I suspect that it will no longer look normal.
Well, he was still a Hyundai i-Flow. Concept, but apparently announcing its new Sonata. Another car in case you can not decide if I like it or not. In total, pretty, clever line, led an interesting contours, but no inflection are places ... eg Front - double mug - that's an exaggeration. But overall - a nice idea. At least the original toto.
And that's probably all of which are worth mentioning. It was obviously a lot of exotics, and so on which I never will be: Ferrari, Astony, Bentley-e ... But why throw the pictures of this - the picture everyone saw Ferrari.