Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How To Spot Fake Ap2 Irons

This blog is alive! Typhoon

Yeah, this blog alive, the fact that his own life only. Successive flew to Taiwan students, I maintain close contact with several people from Asia, the Mio from Japan that flew a long way to get me to visit and explore Poland with me - we had a good laugh, a few pictures from this adventure here: http://picasaweb .google.com / Jakub.Kulak / MioInPoland . However, now I'm writing this mainly to record what I will add entries here soon, which I planned to add the holidays ... So, I write about:
* Chinese (from the perspective of an advanced student)

* Chinese food * fun and events in China (karaokre, clubs, beer ...)
* climate prevailing in Taiwan
* generally lives in Taiwan
* cost of living in Taiwan
* good counsel for choosing to Taiwan
I can about something else ... As soon as you come into my head!


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