Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Elvis The Movie For Free

Visa Electron, Taiwan

I did a preliminary determination about the payment and the availability of ATMs obługujący Visa Electron cards in Taiwan.

L ista tributes to all ATMs in the Visa Electron card Taichung, where I lived. There are 27 active 24 / 7 and there should be no problems with withdrawals. Payment of cash from an ATM costs 2% to be paid the sum, but not less than 8.5 PLN. For currency conversion Integlio not deduct anything himself, and takes place on the basis of the courses Visa.

Also for each 100PLN I have by today's exchange rate Visa TWD 1207 (New Taiwanese dollars).

conversion from today: 1 PLN = 12.07 TWD.


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