Monday, July 30, 2007

Can I Exceed My Debit Card

I'm here for the third time, but the first time I have time to look at and come August. But I do not have enough time to jump into the center of Amsterdam and go up even half an hour, but no can in the spring I will choose here for a long time to see a little Holland.

lot of people, a lot of nationalities, about English only, all messages from the speakers in English only. You are about to go pick up your boarding pass for a flight to Hong Kong, because the lines of Cathay, which fly, are supported only between 11:30, 12:30. As it turns out, many people today do not fly to the eastern borderlands of Asia.

Flight Polish calm. A moment of turbulence shortly after takeoff, but nothing more, but at the end of a very nice landing. Two rows in front of me 8 month baby girl was crying the whole way, but fortunately did not bother me sleep through most of it and just a short flight. Now the moment in web kafei to pass quickly the relationship. 30min before the computer to the Internet for 6 euros.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Milena D,

Airport in Amsterdam at the airport

Internet via mobile phone works as it should be. Waiting longer in the Polish airport before his goal no. 10 on a plane Ebraer - two seats on each of the parties to the aircraft, probably with 80 people on board. I am one of the first waiting here.

Friday, July 27, 2007

What Are The Brands Of Metallic Dye

Last day at work before I leave

takes a lot of time to prepare everything before you leave, but I almost tackled. For 2h and the end of the route. First, a weekend trip to Warsaw.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bitter Almond Tree Sale


I do not like the packaging, and just finish the pack. Tomorrow even possible to print a few things to read on planes, and all you forget that I will not have, but a large suitcase, as I put a lot of stuff out there!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Elvis The Movie For Free

Visa Electron, Taiwan

I did a preliminary determination about the payment and the availability of ATMs obługujący Visa Electron cards in Taiwan.

L ista tributes to all ATMs in the Visa Electron card Taichung, where I lived. There are 27 active 24 / 7 and there should be no problems with withdrawals. Payment of cash from an ATM costs 2% to be paid the sum, but not less than 8.5 PLN. For currency conversion Integlio not deduct anything himself, and takes place on the basis of the courses Visa.

Also for each 100PLN I have by today's exchange rate Visa TWD 1207 (New Taiwanese dollars).

conversion from today: 1 PLN = 12.07 TWD.