Sunday, September 19, 2010

Watch Digital Playground Stream

Series: Learning to paint by trial and error

6th Episode Error 13: "Always give backing laying $#%#"

Since I have temporarily available for both cars because of Karolinka Gosiak are in Poland, I do with them other outstanding orders. On daily temporarily changed to the small and large stands at CERN without tynego bumper - bumper is painted. Both of Gosiakiem odcisnęliśmy on it (literally) his mark, see, eg, here. Brush completely go past the goal, so I decided to airbrush the entire prysnąć corner - I already have some experience because I've done in this way one door and a mask (with varying degrees of success, but generally ok).

Well, I realized what a primer (I think). Zeszlifowałem sandpaper place where the bumper powyginał whether the paint had cracked off ... I gave backing to the plastic (such transparent something) .. and began cheerfully painted silver. And what it turned out? Places where he was underneath the old paint and the place where he was underneath the plastic came out quite differently. Not because the paint does not hide - I just think it was something with the texture of what the painting and the paint just looks different.

Even after several attempts, once again I sat down with sandpaper and tore what I paint, then painted the whole background. With the help of a brush.

So how then again I fought to the end of the paper is flush did not work out, but no longer had the strength to improve. It came out something like this:

As you can see I got to the old paint underneath, but at least the bare plastic (almost) does not protrude. After pryśnięciu color was not so bad:

next day he went lacquer, and then there were attempts to shine .. the total is no revelation, but it is certainly better than it was :